摘要: | 本研究主要是針對桃園楊梅地區四海與海四客家話的語言接觸作為研究重點,擬針對楊梅地區的四海與海四客家話進行聲母、韻母、聲調以及詞彙的語言田野調查,整理出楊梅地區客家話的聲韻調系統,期望藉此進一步瞭解楊梅地區客家話的語音與詞彙特徵,進而勾勒出楊梅客家話分佈概況。 本文研究的重點是以「比較」為主,首先,除了比較楊梅四海及海四客家話的語音特點,包括聲母、韻母和聲調之外,也比較兩者詞彙上的差異。再者,比較楊梅四海及海四客家話與四縣、海陸客語詞彙之差異。最後,比較楊梅四海及海四客家話與楊梅地區其他客語語言接觸的情況。 本文共分六個章節。第一章為緒?,?明本文的研究動機與目的、研究方法及研究步驟,並佐以相關研究文獻、概述楊梅的地名由來與拓墾歷史、地理位置與行政區域、住民狀況以及方言點與發音人之簡介。第二章為楊梅四海與海四客家話語音系統的說明,分別介紹四海與海四客家話聲母、韻母和聲調之情形。第三章為楊梅四海與海四客家話語音特點比較,將楊梅四海與海四客家話聲母、韻母和聲調之特徵進行比較與探討。第四章是將楊梅四海與海四客家話詞彙差異進行比較與探討,同時也比較楊梅四海及海四客家話與四縣客語、海陸客語之詞彙差異。第五章是將楊梅四海話與海四話、秀才窩的永定話以及瑞原里和永寧里的五華話加以整理與歸納,進而繪製出楊梅客家話分佈概況。第六章為本文的結論,總結本研究的研究結果,並提出檢討與建議,以作為未來研究者對本研究主題有更加深入專研的參考。 The research focus mainly on the language contact of si-hai (四海)and hai-si(海四) hakka dialects in Taoyuan Yangmei(桃園楊梅). The field research is about to investigate the initial, finals ,tones and the lexicons of Yangmei si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects. Then, the phonetic system of Yangmei hakka dialects are arranged, we look forward to getting the further information of the phonological and lexical characteristics of Yangmei hakka dialects, and drawing the outline of how Yangmei hakka dialects spread and the current situation. The focal point of this thesis is ”comparison”. The first of all, we not only compare the phonological characteristics of Yangmei si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects, but also the lexical differences between them. Furthermore, compare the lexical differences with Yangmei si-hai and hai-si,sixian and hailu hakka dialects. The last, compare the situation of the language contact with Yangmei si-hai , hai-si hakka and the other hakka dialects in Yangmei. The thesis contains six chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, explain the motivation ,purpose, research method, procedure, bibliography of related articles, as well as brief situation of Yangmei, including history, geography, administrative division, resident situation, and simple information of utterance speakers. The second chapter describes the phonetics system of Yangmei si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects, and the initials, finals and tones of si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects is introduced here. The third Chapter is the phonological comparison of Yangmei si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects, and make comparison and discussion between the phonological characteristics of Yangmei si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects. The chapter four is to compare the lexical differences of them meanwhile, Yangmei si-hai and hai-si hakka dialects, sixian and hailu hakka dialects are gathered to compare the lexicons. The fifth chapter is to put Yangmei si-hai, hai-si hakka dialects, Yongding(永寧) dialect of Hsiu-tsai-wo(秀才窩),Wuhua(五華) dialect of Reiyuan(瑞原) neighborhood and Yongning(永寧) neighborhood together to induce, and illustrate how Yangmei hakka dialects spread. The chapter six is the conclusion, to sum up the research achievements, and advices and self-criticism are provided to make further developments of this kind of topic. |