隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,各國政府積極推動資訊科技在教學上的應用。台灣教育部推行的九年一貫課程中,特別強調教師應用資訊科技融入各科教學,在資訊科技的輔助下,讓教學方式更為多元,學生亦可從中培養運用資訊科技的能力。 本研究採用Moersch的資訊科技使用層級量表,分成0到6層級,並以問卷調查法,探討國小教師在資訊科技融入教學的應用情況,以及其在資訊科技需求與資訊科技能力的差異程度。總共取得有效樣本236份,並以敘述統計、t檢定與單因子變異數分析等方式進行資料分析。 本研究結果發現,所調查的桃園地區國小教師應用資訊科技融入教學,相較於過去全國的研究,是有些微進步的。此外,教師認為參與心智圖、iPad應用課程、自由軟體與K12線上研習等課程,皆有效給予其些微幫助。關於不同教育背景或性別的國小教師在資訊科技融入教學上有差異,男性教師在使用層級4b(教師可輕易整合課外資源進行單元統整)、層級5(教師將資訊科技的使用延伸至教室外)、層級6(學生已會應用各種資訊科技來解決真實世界的問題)的使用程度比女性教師高。另一方面,擁有碩士學位的國小教師在使用層級1(教師在教室中使用電腦)、層級3(教師針對不同學習內容而應用適當的資訊科技來補充教學)、層級4b的使用程度比擁有學士學位的教師高。此外,本研究也發現擁有碩士學位的教師比擁有學士學位的教師較有信心與能力,以及較會去應用資訊科技於教學相關行政工作、備課與教學中。 因此,根據以上結果,本研究最後提出如何提升國小教師資訊科技融入教學的應用情況與能力,以及未來方向和建議,以提供學術界或實務界參考。 As information technology develops, Taiwan’s Grade 1-9 Curriculum focuses on information technology integrated into teaching which allows teachers to teach with more diverse methods and help students developing their skills in information technology. This research aims to study elementary school teachers’ usage of information technology integrated into teaching and how their needs and capability towards the technology vary. The study analyzes 236 valid samples through questionnaire method. The findings are the following: Compared to the previous national researches, elementary school teachers’ in Tao-Yuan have improved in integrating information technology into teaching. Teachers respond positively towards Mind Mapping, iPad Application, Open Software and K12 Online Training Courses. The usage of information technology on teaching varies from the teachers' gender and educational backgrounds, male teachers tend to use level 4b (Easy in integrating curricular resources), level 5 (Extending information technology beyond the classroom) and level 6 (Training students to solve “real-world” problems by utilizing information technology) more than female teachers. Also, teachers with master degrees often integrate level 1 (Utilizing computer in the classroom), level 3 (Utilizing information technology according to the courses) and level 4b to their teachings than the others. In short, teachers who have master degrees are generally more confident and capable in utilizing information technology in administrative work and teaching preparation. This study provided implications and directions for future research according to the above results.