鼓勵民間參與公共建設為近年來政府大力推行公共建設之模式。然而促進民間參與共建設之型式眾多,其中興建完成後立即進行「資產轉移」的促參模式,亦即「有償BTO」的促參模式則是非常少見。對於含有未定價值或是有償給付的資產標的,如何能順利轉移又能符合特許合約與相關法令的規定,是本研究的主要目的。 本研究針對採取「有償BTO」模式之海水淡化廠案例,由促進民間參與公共建設法、民法以及該案例特許合約對「資產轉移」的規定或約定,探討主辦機關與廠商之間在執行特許合約時,有關資產轉移可能衍生之問題。經深入探討後,本研究認為在「資產轉移」階段最重要之議題,在於針對建設成果進行公平且公正的鑑價。在合理的鑑價之後,再經由「營運費」或是「營運期限」進行相對的調整。此過程為「有償BTO」促參模式能否順利成功之關鍵。 因此,本研究建議在契約內,明定「資產轉移」的範圍、鑑價單位的選擇,以及特許營運期限增減的調整方式,可將相關的爭議降到最低。此外,鑑於「有償給付」的計算,在實務上較難達到雙方都無爭議之情況,故特許合約內若無法準確預測計畫金額的價值,確實規範調整契約價金與回饋金時;亦即特許合約內無法清楚敘明「給付價金」精準的計算方法時,建議不考慮採用「有償BTO」之促參模式,以減少可能的爭議。 Taiwan government has been promoting private participation in infrastructure projects (PPIP) due to financial difficulties in recent years. Build-Transfer-Operate (BTO) is one of many feasible PPIP models. However, use of the “BTO with compensation” model was rarely seen. Thus, in order to fulfill both contract and legal requirements in such projects, this research aims at investigating relevant issues at the stage of transferring assets in such projects. This research focused on issues and problems arising for assets transferring of a desalination plant project which used the “BTO with compensation” model. “Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects,” “Civil Code,” and contractual clauses related to transferring assets were discussed, and the actual disputes occurred were also studied. Research results conclude that an equitable and fair appraisal of the assets that are to be transferred from the private company to the government is the key to resolve all the disputes. Such reasonable appraisal can be reflected by adjusting the "operation expenses" or "operation period" of the project. These processes are the key to success of the "BTO with compensation" projects. A reasonable appraisal of the assets can minimize the amount of disputes in the project. However, if the "compensation" of the project is difficult to calculate in practice, or cannot be clearly stated in the concession contract, the “BTO with compensation” model is not recommended for PPIP.