整後業的後勤概念來自於軍事與工業管理。由軍事的觀點而言,後勤主要是以資源獲得、分配及產品支援為導向。在企業界則是界定為包含了物料流通、產品運輸與分配、貨物的採購與管制、倉儲、顧客服務和相關的業務。整後業在全球化市場激烈的競爭中,扮演著重要的角色,隨著產品生命週期縮短,所有開發專案必須在有限的時間內,完成產品開發手續,故整後業必須滿足顧客的要求,自設計、製造到部署、除役等階段,皆要靠整後業的提早溝通與參與,才能縮短開發時間與降低不確定因素的風險,進而提高產品開發的成功率。 本文利用敘述統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、群集分析、多變量變異數分析與線性結構關係模式等研究方法,以中山科學研究院的整後業為主要研究對象,進行整後業參與同步工程對於產品開發績效關係之研究。本研究由文獻資料找出整後業產品開發績效的方向為「同步工程」,並探討其相關的變數,再利用統計及多變量分析方法,來驗證「同步工程」對於產品開發績效有顯著影響,並確定組織特性對產品開發績效之影響。 研究實證結果顯示,整後業參與同步工程程度不同,對於整後業開發績效有顯著影響,並透過其因果關係路徑圖來探討變數間的線性關係,並對可觀測的(顯性)變數與不可觀測的(潛在)變數之因果模式做假設檢定,驗證「同步工程」對「產品開發績效」有顯著影響。部門對產品開發績效有顯著的影響,而功能別、年資、工作角色、年齡及性別則無顯著的影響。 ;Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is the management and technical process through which supportability and logistics support considerations of product are integrated through the life of the product. The ILS function contains technical disciplines that specifically address the support aspects of maintenance planning, packaging, handling, storage, transportability and customer service. In response to fierce competition in the market, it is necessary for enterprises to concern the role of ILS to ensure the product designed and manufactured to be operationally effective. This paper presents a distinct methodology for ILS involved Concurrent Engineering on product development performance using Statistical Analysis, Reliability/Validity Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multivariate Analysis of Variance, and Linear Structure Relation. This research work is carried out for Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology(CSIST), and the data is collected through questionnaires. Our goal is to devise a methodology that can achieve the following objectives. The first objective is the Concurrent Engineering has positive influence on product development performance, and it is indeed significant. This means when companies put more emphasis on the Concurrent Engineering process, they can get higher product development performance. The second objective is to use questionnaire and statistic method to test our research. The experimental results for our study reveal organization characteristics that have positive influence on product development performance. Thus it can concluded that only departments exists positive relationship with product development performance.