筆記型電腦產業在過去十年蓬勃發展, 然而, 在全球電腦產業削價競爭下造成利 潤不斷下滑。各公司無不想盡辦法以求生存。筆記型電腦的週邊配件,過去是較不受重視 的, 通常, 在企業內相關資源與人力的配置上也相對有限。但近來逐漸受到重視, 主要 原因是其擁有一定的毛利率,而且可以增長主機部分的附加價值,設計新穎,另人愛不釋 手的配件不但可以為主機產品加分, 甚至可以協助提高整體銷售額與利潤。 傳統產業著重於垂直整合,擴大企業的整體競爭力。新科技產業由整合趨於分工,專 注於企業的核心競爭力,將無效能的工作委外經營。採購策略確立後,企業須建立一套有 效的評比機制,能快速客觀的篩選出最能符合企業策略的供應商。 本研究運用分析層級程序法(AHP), 企圖建構出筆記型電腦的週邊配件ODM供應商 的遴選模式,透過相關供應商遴選的文獻整理與筆記型電腦週邊配件的專家初步訪談,歸 納出筆記型電腦的週邊配件的供應商遴選系統, 應考量到的4個準則, 分別為成本、品 質、技術能力與營運作業,以及其下一階之12個屬性。再針對實務界專家進行訪談與問卷 調查,匯集專家意見後,歸納出各準則及屬性之間的權重高低,以供企業在遴選筆記型電 腦的週邊配件之ODM供應商時之參考。 ;Computer Industry was blooming in the past ten years, however, the gross margin is less than less. Many companies intend to bundle accessories into notebook together to increase the profit and revenue. Therefore, notebook accessories become more visible and important in the computer companies. In traditional industries, firms were more focusing on central integrations to be able to enlarge business scales and increase the competitive capabilities. However, in high technical industries, such as computer industries, the firms are not able to make all of the components directly due to resource limitation and the pressure of time to market. Many computer companies are focusing on their core confidence areas and out sourcing the non-core value tasks to suppliers. Meanwhile, the vender selection becomes more and more important. The research is using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) methodology and trying to structure a model to define the key criteria and factors for ODM vender selection, especially for notebook accessories. The data were collected by surveyed experts in the field. Purpose is to provide an effective solution when we want to select an ODM supplier to make a notebook accessory product. The research analysis results show the most important criteria of the vender selection for notebook accessories are ranking as cost, quality, technical capability and supply chain operation. Also, there are twelve key factors along with the weights listing in the thesis for your reference.