2007年美國Fortune雜誌公布全球500大企業名單中,由美國通路商-沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart Stores)奪冠,而國內百貨批發零售業中,家樂福則位居第3名,為零售式量販店之首,通路商的茁壯已是眾所皆知,然其不斷推出的自有品牌商品也對品牌製造商開始產生排擠,以大潤發為例,其自有品牌商品在2006年已佔銷售比約10%,而家樂福更是分級推出三個自有品牌名稱。究竟消費者對自有品牌商品的購買意願為何,能使零售式量販店不斷增加自有品牌之商品,本研究即是在這樣動機下開始進行。 在研究架構上,選擇產品種類與促銷活動為主要影響因素,商店形象為干擾因素。產品種類採用學者Copeland對產品的分類方式區分為便利品、選購品、特殊品,在促銷活動上則參考學者Kunekel and Berry (1968)及Lindquist (1974/975)區分為陳列促銷、集點促銷、抽獎促銷三種,最後再以商店形象為干擾變數,探討其在產品種類及促銷活動上對於購買意願的調節效果。研究方法上則主要以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)檢視是否顯著,再以t檢定比較其差異,並以雙因子變異數分析(two-way ANOVA)檢定商店形象的干擾效果。 研究結果則呈現產品種類及促銷活動對購買意願皆有顯著影響,其中產品種類以特殊品有較高之購買意願,其中又以高收入者最顯著;促銷活動則以集點促銷能引起較高之購買意願;而商店形象的干擾效果並不顯著。建議企業主在發展自有品牌商品上,可多著墨於特殊品的發展以獲取較高之利潤,且在促銷活動上則可針對消費者有較高興趣之集點活動多所發想。最後在未來研究方向上,建議後續研究可加入其他干擾變數或以再購買行為等為研究主題。 ;According to the 2007 Fortune Global 500, Wal-Mart is the world's largest public corporation by revenue. At the same time, Carrefour is the leader by revenue in Taiwan’s hypermarket industry. These growing provide retailers a chance to print their own brand on merchandises. Private labels have become the fastest growing and most feared competitors of national brands. Which caused consumers to be more receptive to private labels? We’ll find some answers from this paper. In this paper, we observed two factors related with consumer’s willingness to buy private label products - product classification and sales promotion. Moreover, in some papers show the store image may interfere in the willingness to buy. Here we analyzed the effects of product classification, sales promotion and store image related willingness to buy. Results indicate that product classification and sales promotion had a positive effect on consumer’s willingness to buy, but didn’t show significance by store image. The major findings are discussed and directions for future research are suggested.