雖然買賣雙方因資訊不對稱而造成相對關係的地位不同,然而有關行銷人員與組織購買 者之間的「友好關係活動」對於雙方相對關係扮演甚麼角色,目前的文獻資料鮮少提 到。本研究採取雙問卷的設計,分別針對業務及採購專業人員,探討友好關係活動的採 取對於關係品質以及企業獲利的影響認知。 問卷結果無需假設抽樣分配結構,以多元對應分析(MCA)將質性資料之間存在的抽象關 聯訊息予以具體化,而且國別、產業、營運性質等類別統計變數可加入二維圖,更明確 的解釋多重質性變數之間的關聯。 研究結論顯示行銷人員對友好關係活動的方式予以區隔,組織購買者同意友好關係活動 對於供應商業績很有影響、對於維持往來關係有幫助,因此因時制宜採取友好關係活動 的方式,能為企業帶來財務上的貢獻,且能維持個人對個人、個人對公司甚至公司對公 司的社交性關係,有助於創造魅力的關係行銷。 ;Despite asymmetric information will determine the relative relationship between sellers and buyers, the relative relationship will be affected by appropriate beneficial events, extant research, however, provides inadequate evidence for this effect. Here, we investigate this question: Does the beneficial event will truly affect the relationship quality or generate favorable financial results? We examine the extent and the effect on the activity through questionnaires with both salesperson and buyer. Multiple correspondence analysis can be applied to visualizing the interrelationships among response categories of a set of questions in this questionnaire survey. Once the relationships between the questions are visualized in a spatial map and interpreted, it allows the display of explanatory category variables such as country, industry and business model in order to enrich the interpretation. In this paper, we find support of the segment and effects on beneficial events from viewpoint of the industrial level, the research had demonstrated that we should perform “charming relationship marketing” according to circumstances for enhancing financial outcome.