隨著人類對於安全需求與日俱增,安全監視系統已逐步成為防護基本設備,安全產業中安全監控產業是最重要的一環,約占安全產業六成以上之產值。2008年安全監控產業產值推估將突破新台幣600億元,顯示在全球競爭版圖中台灣廠商在安全監控的領域佔有重要的地位。綜觀安全監控產品的發展,已逐漸朝小型化、彩色化、數位化、網路化與智慧化方向邁進,Internet Protocol (IP)監控市場將漸漸超越視訊監控(Close Circuit Television, CCTV)監控市場。本研究希望藉由IP網路視訊監控產品為主體,致力於產業與企業競爭分析以及競爭策略導出。對於廠商在市場動態競爭的情資給予透徹分析,將有助廠商作為未來訂定策略並拓展經營之方向,以期逹成台灣具國際競爭力之安全監控公司的目標。利用競爭分析的理論工具探討後,研究結果顯示:個案公司在IP監控產業發展上,擁有新產品開發、資源整合、彈性且迅速的服務、通路行銷四項競爭優勢。此四項競爭策略為個案公司的最佳執行策略分別為:(1)投注研發,加速新產品開發;(2)專注品牌策略;(3)低價策略,搶攻市場;(4)充份利用現有技術與資源。 ;Due to the growing demand for safety, security surveillance systems have gradually become fundamental protective equipment. Security surveillance industry which accounts for about 60 percent of output value and break through 60 billion is most important item in security industry in 2008. Taiwan manufacturers in the field of safety surveillance played an important role in the global competition. This study attempts to explore the profile of the global IP surveillance industry status and development. Moreover, this research is focused on the competitive advantage and strategy that Taiwan should have to strengthen the dominant position in the world. The study has come out with several important strategies in the competitive advantages and business model in case company: (1) focus on R&D investment and to accelerate the development of new products; (2) focus on the brand strategy; (3) low price strategy to grab the market; (4) The maximum use of existing technology and resources.