臺灣高科技產業的競爭相當激烈,各家業者為了能提供顧客更貼心的服務以及更多的服務價值,無不致力於追求成本的降低及作業效率的提昇,而ERP系統的出現正好提供業者一個改善營運績效的機會。ERP系統的導入對企業營運的益處得到普遍的支持。過去的文獻,大部分的研究都是針對套裝的ERP系統導入進行研究,顯少有學者針對自行開發ERP系統的中小企業進行個案方式的研究。本研究利用過去導入ERP系統之文獻,提出組織面、作業流程面及系統技術面之關鍵成功因素來探討對自行開發ERP系統之影響。 本研究選定一家自行開發ERP系統之中小企業,首先以深入訪談的方式了解其資訊科技發展歷程,再以問卷調查方式蒐集個案公司系統使用者對導入ERP之關鍵成功因素之認定重要程度。研究結果發現,導入成本的評估對自行開發ERP系統之導入效益有顯著之影響,獲得使用者的完全支持;高階主管的支持與承諾、部門間的團隊合作、使用者的教育訓練、系統資訊的正確性及專案人員的技術支援能力對自行開發ERP系統之導入效益有顯著之影響,獲得使用者的部分支持;對自行開發ERP系統之導入效益有顯著之影響,獲得使用者的部分支持;接受創新與挑戰的能力及系統相容性對自行開發ERP系統之導入效益則無顯著之影響。 ;The business globalization has become a mainstream in high-tech industry. The enterprise provides more service add-values to the customers that can reduce the cost and enhance operational efficiency. The Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) systems are the foundation of the business process reengineering, therefore, the ERP systems have been used wildly by many companies. Prior literature indicates that most researches focus on ERP system introducing, but few studies have not clearly examined how the firms introduce ERP system by self-developing. The research provides the critical success factors of organization, operation process and system technology to discuss the effort of self-developing ERP system by case study and statistical analysis. The research results indicated the evaluating introduce cost, top management support, user training, system information accuracy, the technology support ability of project members and cross functional cooperation can enhance the project team then to influence self-developing ERP system positively and significantly. Aforesaid factors are the critical success factors for self-developing ERP system implementation that has confirmed by this research as well.