「模具業」被稱為機械工業之母,模具具有生產快速、品質精密與產品價格低廉的特性。模具製作的品質與速度,直接影響著產品大量生產的效能,電子產品系統製造商莫不積極建立自己的模具供應商網絡,尋求技術佳、製作速度快、價格具競爭性與配合度高的廠商作為策略夥伴,以確保自己的新產品競爭能力。本論文研究目的在於明瞭電子產品製造商成立自身的模具中心之優劣,以深入訪談方式。由技術(technology)、品質(quality)、回饋(response)、交期(delivery)與成本(cost)等五種構面,探討模具中心之成立對於個案公司各部門之影響。本研究之結果顯示:個案公司可經由模具中心統一模具資源,達到節省研發資源的目的。此外各單位之研發人員可適時輪調,藉以提升各個研發單位之研發實力。最後試模具中心應將模具的方向定位清楚,以避免資源錯置分散,導致無模具技術專精領域。 ;This article is used the detail discussion and interview with relevant experts for each site. Through 5 check item: technology, quality, response time, delivery time and cost, this article can realize the benefit of mold center for case company. The comments of this article show case company can synergy all development resource through mold center as a single contact window, and really help every mechanical engineer controlling tooling and reduce the risk of modified tooling mold. Mechanical engineer need be job rotation to balance development ability of R&D department. Besides, must have a very clear tooling function and goal for mold center to avoid resource diffusion to control the newest tooling technology.