中文摘要 消費性貸款在市場上已推廣多年。由於市場的自由競爭激烈,嚴重侵蝕金融業者的獲利性,二順位房屋貸款被視為新興開發的金融商品之一。但基於二順位房屋貸款的案件審核流程,是介於房屋貸款及信用貸款間,同時擔保品已無多餘殘值,故必須在借款人的支付能力方面,加以把關。若因競爭而浮濫放款,金融業者可能會面臨違約損失。在避免遭受損害的考量下,金融業者如何建立立二順位房貸的審核機制是有其絕對的必要。本研究採用logit模型,以二順位房貸客戶資料為研究對象,探究借款人本身條件、擔保品的類型、案件來源、簽核條件等變數,對二順位房貸違約逾期的影響程度。透過實證結果可以發現,在案件來源、擔保品類型、持有金融商品的多寡變數,對於二順位房貸違約影響的程度相當大,可以提供金融業者未來在制定授信政策上的參考依據。 ;Abstract In several years, consumer loans business has been promoted in the financial market. As keen competition in the market has eroded the banks’ profits, the second-mortgage residential loan is considered one of the new development areas. Based on auditing processes of the second-mortgage residential loan lies in between housing and credit loans and the collaterals with less valuable, it is recognized that inspecting payment abilities of borrowers play a critical role in mitigating the relevant risks of banks’ activities. By drawing on a borrower database, this study evaluates the effect of borrowers’ conditions, collateral types, loan sources, and auditing conditions on the overdue of the second-mortgage residential loan by employ logit regression. The empirical results support that loan sources, collateral types, and the number of holding financial products have an important impact on the overdue of the second-mortgage residential loan, providing bank manages some information for drawing on credit policy in the furture.