在全球性區域經濟整合發展的趨勢下,業的競爭已日趨白熱化,“專業分工”已是產業常態,手機產業更是一個高度分工的產業。在複雜的委外環境,目前業界並沒有一個較為完整的方法來解決,取而待之的是以直覺的觀點來處理委外所面臨的問題。本研究運用文獻探討、公司訪談以及配合統計分析的步驟,以較為嚴謹的方法試圖了解委外生產的問題,並提供手機廠商做為委外決策的重要參考依據。本研究主要研究目的如下: 1. 了解全球行動電話產業發展現況與趨勢 2. 探討台商手機廠商在大陸的發展現況 3. 分析手機產業的生產型態和特性 4. 探討手機廠商的委外生產考量因素 5. 建構手機廠商委外生產決策模式 在手機業者委外生產決策因素的研究中,經由因素分析的結果選取三個因素,因素一取名為「策略因素」其解釋的變異約為31.867﹪;因素二取名為「夥伴關係」其解釋的變異約為24.338﹪;因素三取名為「品質考量」其解釋的變異約為14.913﹪;由因素一到因素三所累積解釋的變異數百分比為71.119﹪。 在委外生產因素的層級分析架構中,本研究發現委外生產的重要性依序為「策略因素」(0.3983)、「夥伴關係」(0.3510)以及「品質考量」(0.2507)。而各層級構面的指標權重排序上,在「策略因素」構面中群聚因素(0.3177)、委外價格(0.2869)為業者最重視的委外考量因素。在「夥伴關係」構面中組織特性 (0.1911)、經營理念 (0.1838)為業者最重視的委外考量因素。在「品質考量」構面中服務品質(0.2714) 、技術能力(0.2194)為業者最重視的委外考量因素。 ;This research aims to study the outsourcing of mobile phone industry by analyzing the industry’s positioning among industries in Taiwan under global competition. However, there is no best solution and strategic decision making processes when companies considering outsource their mobile phone production or not. Furthermore, there are some problems need to put into considerations after outsourced. The research objectives are as below: 1.Understanding mobile phone industry and its future developments. 2.Discussing the situations and developments of Taiwanese mobile phone companies in China. 3.Analyzing special production factors and characteristics in mobile phone industry. 4.Finding out what are the main factors that affect the mobile phone manufacturers when considering outsourcing. 5.Building a mobile phone outsourcing decision making model. Due to the difficulty in data collection, this research applied both case study and statistic analysis for examination. From literature and case study, sixteen selection criteria were used. They were further categorized into three dimensions: strategy, partner and quality. Then we applied Analytic Hierarchy Process to construct the model of outsourcing. After verifying this model, we got conclusions that raise accuracy and quality of decision through this model. Hence entrepreneurs can use the model to evaluate outsourcing and to be a reference of decision in accordance with results of the model.