跨國企業是否具有足夠的外派人才,有效地建立海外營運據點,其成效攸關跨國企業成長與國際化成功與否的重要因素之一。 然而,許多外派任務的失敗,如外派人員提前回任情況發生,常造成跨國企業的困擾,這牽涉到跨國企業人力資源管理措施; 外派人員本身對派駐過程的滿意程度,與外派任務的達成實績是否獲得主管的認同與支持,有相當重要的關聯性。 本研究是就外派人員的角度來探討外派工作績效受「跨國企業人力資源管理措施」與「直線主管領導風格」之影響關係。希望能從相關文獻的理論探討中,推論有關國際化人力資源管理措施內涵,對外派人員情緒影響為何,同時搭配何種最適的直線主管領導風格,包含「轉換型領導」與「交易型領導」,對外派人員工作績效所造成的影響與關聯。最終,希望藉由這份研究,能對跨國企業在外派人員的經營管理上具有參考價值。 依研究結果可歸納為下列研究發現: (1) 直線主管領導風格為「轉換型領導」,對外派人員的工作績效有 正面顯著的影響。 (2) 「轉換型領導」對外派人員績效表現之影響高於「交易型領導」。 ;The performance of expatriates in a multinational corporate has a huge effect on establishing and managing overseas operational sites. This is one of the important elements which will determine whether the multinational corporate would succeed in growth and globalization. Every management process and activity, in the Human Resource Management Policy, taken towards expatriate would directly affect the willingness and the emotion of an expatriate. On the other hand, the performance and growth of expatriates are affected by the leadership and the expectation of his/her line executive. This would further affect the whole organization performance. This research is to study the effectiveness of「Human Resource Management Policy of multinational corporate」and「The Leadership style of Line Executive」towards expatriate's performance. However with this study, we hope we could have some inputs for the Human Resource Management Policy towards Globalization. This is to understand how the emotions of the expatriates are affected and what is the best way of leadership style? This includes the effect of "Transformational Leadership" and "Transactional Leadership" has on expatriate. Last but not least, it is hoped that this study would be of valuable reference to the management of multinational corporate. Can be summed up as being following discovering in accordance with the results of study: (1) The leadership style of executive reveals that Transformational Leadership has a positive effect on expatriate's performance, and it is significant. (2) Transformational Leadership is a better approach than Transactional Leadership which it could helps expatriate in performance achievement.