隨著資訊科技的普及與廉價新興生產國的興起,在全球化的競爭下,我國傳統製造業遭逢重大的挑戰,為求生存,惟有靠持續的創新與多角化經營,而在轉型成長的過程中,內部創業扮演著極為重要的關鍵性角色。 內部創業的種類與型態眾多,本研究係以多角化經營為研究主題,並以N公司為個案研究對象,透過深度訪談方式,探討在企業永續經營及符合長期發展目標的前提下,為因應內外部環境之變化,企業有策略地跨足不同領域。本研究分析在不同階段公司事業組織的獲利潛力,並於適當時機選擇轉進或撤退策略,藉以對公司的資源做適當的分配。本研究透過個案經營策略模式的分析,提供業者擬定事業經營策略之決策參考及學習標竿。 在研究方法上以「生命週期模型(PLC)」為主軸,對各個事業組織經由「BCG Model」分析在不同環境及條件下之經營策略,利用策略形態分析法,剖析其策略演變過程,演繹出事業經營的策略組合,及瞭解以多角化經營來達成企業永續發展之策略構想。研究結果發現如下: 1.N公司以多角化經營來延續企業生命週期,達成永續經營之策略。 2.將知識加值,以內部創業為手段,實為達到多角化經營的成功關鍵因素。 3.各事業組織在N公司不同生命週期階段扮演不同角色,並隨著內外部環境變化,作策略性的調整,以達成長期發展之目標。 4.N公司以明確的定位來創造需求,以持續不斷的創新來維持競爭優勢,以差異化來鞏固企業的獨佔價值。 5.成功的多角化經營需以企業文化及核心理念來支持。 6.企業能否永續經營繫於對經營環境的適應力,隨著全球化的發展,如何運用組織能力、管理能力及優秀的人力資源,快速回應顧客對交期、品質及設計創新等之需求,實為企業永續發展的成功關鍵因素。 ;With the prevalence of information technology and the availability of low cost from developing countries, the traditional manufacturing industries in Taiwan are facing immense challenges. Firms in these industries must continue to innovate and to diversify in order to survive. Innovation from within the firm also plays a very crucial role in the process of upgrading these firms in the traditional industries in order to compete in the international market. This study focuses on one type of internal venture strategies, i.e., diversification. We use Company N as a case study. Through in-depth interviews and analysis, we try to show that diversification is helpful for Company N to adjust to internal and external changes and yet allows the Company to retain its long-term goals. We analyze the potential profits made by the various business branches of the Company at different stages of their development and to show how the internal resources are adequately distributed among different branches of the Company. We hope that this case study will provide valuable information on business strategies for business decision makers. The theory of “Product Life Cycle” (PLC) is adopted as the major analytical tool in this study. We analyze the business strategies adopted by each branch of Company N via the BCG Model. With this tool we are able to analyze the changes and combinations of business strategies of Company N in its process of diversification. We also investigate how diversification t is adopted by Company N in achieving their goals. The followings are our findings: 1.Company N adopts diversification strategy to extend its PLC; thus, achieving sustainability. 2.Internal venture is the key element in achieving the success of diversification. 3.Each branch of the Company plays a different role in Company N’s PLC. Addressing to the internal and external environmental changes, each branch adopts different strategic adjustments in achieving its sustainability. 4.Company N creates its own demands with a clear target group; maintains its competitive edge with innovations; and solidifies its market-dominate position with uniqueness. 5. The success of Company N shows that successful diversification must have the support of corporate culture and ideology. 6.Everlasting business depends on businesses’ adaptability to the changing business environment. How a company utilizes its organizational strength, managerial ability, and human resource to provide speedy responses to the consumer’s demands on delivery date, quality and innovation is the key to sustain the company’s everlasting business.