隨著行動電話服務的普及化與電信自由化,行動電話市場競爭激烈,企業在面臨佔有市場或是保有市場的努力上,遭遇了許多難題和衝擊,剛投入市場的企業除了以低價的手機產品吸引顧客來搶佔市場外,亦以積積的態度投入產品的研發設計,使原已佔有穩固市場的廠商備受競爭壓力,甚至經營績效滑落。由於競爭上的壓力、客戶需求的改變、產品生命週期變短、減少產品成本與庫存壓力、新科技變遷快速、國際化程度愈來愈深等因素,每個企業必需針對內部組織與商業行為加以改變。 研究主旨在探討,台灣行動電話產業的競爭發展對其供應商行銷策略是否有影響?若有影響,又是什麼影響?本研究並以一行動電話供應商之行銷策略為探討標的,期望能獲得更深入之瞭解。具體研究目的如下: (1)探討行動電話產業的競爭環境 (2)探討行動電話廠商的行銷策略 (3)以個案行動電話供應商實例探討行銷策略 ;With the increasing popularity of mobile telephones and the liberalisation of the communication industry, the mobile phone market has become increasingly competitive. Wheather industry players are expanding their market share or fighting to retain market share, they face numerous difficulties and obstacles. A new company entering the market will encounter low price mobile phone companies aggressively fighting for market share, as well as companies investing heavily in new product research and design. Companies with stable market share feel the pressure of intence competition and can easily see their competitive edge slip away. As a result of competitive pressure and customer demands, the life span of a product has become increasingly shorter. Costing down, effective stock management, rapid uptake of new technologies, and industry globalisation are all factors bringing about change in management systems and business operations. This research takes a close look at whether or not the competitive development of Taiwan’s mobile phone industry will affect the marketing strategy of component suppliers. If suppliers are indeed affected, in what way are they affected? This research paper takes a detailed look at the marketing strategies employed by mobile phone component suppliers, and hopes to find a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the industry. The main goals of this research are as folles: 1.Take a detailed look at the competitive environment of the mobile phone industry 2.Discuss in detail, the marketing strategies employed by mobile phone manufactures 3.Use individual case studies of mobile phone component suppliers to investigate in depth, their marketing strategies