國內自從開放新銀行成立以來,銀行家數過度地成長使銀行業的競爭日趨激烈,加上國內景氣下滑與全球化的影響下,銀行獲利能力大不如前,資產品質也隨之惡化,2005年底爆發的雙卡風暴對國內銀行更是一大打擊,使銀行經營面臨到最嚴峻的挑戰。 中國目前已是全世界最具發展潛力的市場,隨著台商西進中國的數量與規模逐年提高,台商對資金的需求也日益增加的情況下,若能開放國內銀行登陸中國,就近為台商提供完善且多元的金融服務,不但可以有效解決銀行游資浮濫的現象,提高其國際競爭力和降低未來在全球化競爭下被邊緣化的隱憂,同時也可以為台商解決在中國所面臨到融資不易的問題,為銀行和台商創造雙贏的局面。 過去由於法令限制,國內銀行遲遲無法登陸中國,僅能設立代表人辦事處,缺乏實質意義。而兩岸多年來金融僵局的局面在2008年有了重大突破,2008年4月3日,金管會通過「富邦金融控股股份有限公司」申請由其海外子公司富邦銀行(香港)轉投資中國廈門商銀一案,為國內第一家正式核准投資中國的銀行業者,為兩岸金融往來寫下歷史性的一頁。 富邦金控之所以能成為國內第一家成功登陸的銀行,主要是因其所採用的模式為經由香港間接進入中國。本研究即是以此為背景下,以富邦金控為例,援引過去外資銀行佈局中國經驗,探討國內銀行西進中國的機會、挑戰與風險,並分析富邦金控採用的模式優於其他模式的地方,期能對未來我國國內銀行分析登陸模式時有所幫助。 ;Since Taiwan allows new established banks to join the financial service industry, crowded domestic banks in a small island, industry globalization and degenerate of domestic economy form fierce competition in Taiwan's banking sector. The results are weak profitability for all banks and the poor quality of banks’ assets. Moreover the impact of credit and cash card debts erupted on 2005 was even worsening the economy of Taiwan; the banking sector became extremely hard. China is an attractive market worldwide with highly growth potential recently, many Taiwanese companies go across the Taiwan Strait to China and operate business there; therefore the demand for financial services from these companies is growing each year. This gives a brand new market for domestic banks to enjoy the business growth if they can directly offer the services in China. These banks find a way to loan their excessive idle capital. In the other hand, those companies who invest in China can get cheap capital from these banks. Taiwan restricts direct investment in China; only a non-functional office is allowed in China and makes no meaning for these domestic banks. However, there is a breakthrough in year 2008. On April 3, 2008, Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) gave a green light to permit Fubon to take some percent stakes in the Xianmen City Commercial Bank through the Fubon Bank (HK). Fubon paves the way for the first investment in a Chinese bank by a Taiwanese financial company. This is also a milestone for Taiwan banking sector. Fubon Financial Holding is the firs financial service company who successfully makes great inroads into the vast Chinese market, the key factor is its indirect model; the company can extend its territory to China through a third-country based subsidiary. The purpose of this study tries to identify the opportunities, challenges and risks for those Taiwan based banks who also want to extend the business converge into China. By way of takes Fubon holding as a major case, and also refer to experiences from foreign financial services companies who already step their feet into China, we can conclude the advantages of the invest model Fubon took compare to other models, and hope these findings can be a useful reference for Taiwan banking sector.