近年來台灣由於個人休閒意識快速地興起、國民所得提高、維持自身健康的觀念逐漸受到重視,因此休閒風氣越來越盛行,且國人已漸漸體會到閒暇時休閒活動安排的重要性,所以對於休閒活動服務的需求性也慢慢提高並且越來越重視。在運動休閒領域中,游泳產業屬於受到國人重視且積極參與的項目之一,除了強身健體之外,於溺水時自救能力的加強也是此產業受到關注的原因。 本研究與個案公司高階主管進行深入訪談,首先將針對游泳池產業進行分析,包括其現況、產業特性與發展趨勢。接著,透過個案公司所擁有的資源與能力進行探討剖析,進而利用SWOT分析,針對產業面及個案公司之內部競爭優、劣勢與外部機會、威脅等四方面進行分析與探討。最後,針對個案公司的經營模式逐一探討,分別從行銷管理、作業管理、顧客關係管理,與人力資源管理等四項構面加以分析研究,最後總結與建議提供個案公司及業界參考。 經由個案研究歸納出個案公司能成為游泳產業中指標的幾點原因:1. 民眾對於此產業的確存在著需求性;2. 獨創性的教學方式以及優良的教學品質;3. 服務人員以及場地的品質控管;4. 個案公司與顧客之間關係維繫良好;5. 對於員工的控管良好,使其為公司發揮最大的效益。並希望透過本研究之建議,以期提供國內游泳產業或游泳教學產業發展之參考。 ;Because people realize that the healthy is very important, so the service of sports leisure activity is becoming more and more emphasized. Swimming is one of the activities that people positively attend. Except for exercising, the ability to self-saving is also the reason why swimming is so important. The researcher of this thesis has had an interview with the executive of case company. The content includes the analysis of swimming industry, resource and ability of case company, and SWOT analysis. Then researcher mentions the business model which comprise marketing management, operation management, customer relationship management, and human resource management. In the end, this thesis proposes some suggestions for case company and industry. Case study concludes reasons why case company can be the indicator of swimming industry: 1. Demand of this industry indeed exist. 2. Distinctive teaching method and great teaching quality. 3. Good control of service and device quality. 4. Case company has good relationship with customers. 5. Good control of employees. This study advances above suggestions to other companies in swimming industry.