20世紀90年代以來,隨著各種自動化和資訊技術在製造業中不斷應用,製造生產率已被提高到了相當高的程度,市場進入買方市場。各企業不僅要製造出適應市場需求的產品,還要服務上致勝。越來越多的企業將目光轉向產品全生命週期中的各供應環節和整個供應鏈系統。 本研究主要以個案公司U公司的實際情況為切入點,運用供應鏈管理的理論,通過分析個案公司的生產情況與在整個產業供應鏈中所處的地位,來探討如何縮短交貨期,並達到預計的目標。 本研究將從U公司目前的銷售流程、生產流程開始分析討論,找出目前交貨期無法提早的原因,並建議導入滾動預測作業模式,來提旱交貨的週期。 ;Since the 1990s, various types of industrial automation technology and information technology have been applied in the manufacturing sector, resulting in escalating productivity gains. While the global economy switch from a seller’s market into a buyer’s market, each company not only has to improve its products, but also improve its service provided to the customers in order to gain competitiveness in the market. As a result, many companies started to focus on issues that affect each and every stage in the product life cycle. Hence, the importance to supply chain management gained much increased. This study focuses on the real life case of Company-U, which is a leader in data collection equipments. The objective is to reduce order delivery cycle to improve its competitiveness. The market position, production and supply chain settings of Company-U was studied. The sales, procurement and production process were examined, in order to unearth why order delivery cycles cannot be shortened, and also the opportunities for improvements. This study proposes a new operations model based on rolling forecast, and the possible improvements, and success factors of the new model are analyzed.