當跨國企業欲更新其所使用的資訊系統時,對企業來講是一個整體重大的變遷。此工作所產生的影響幾乎遍及企業每一個部門與員工,對企業的所有工作、業務、與管理都會產生影響。如此牽一髮而動全身的浩大工程,將如何在對企業日常運作影響最小的前提下順利完成,將是所有有意更新自己資訊系統的公司所面臨的ㄧ個非常大的挑戰。有鑑於此,本論文希望就一些曾經經歷過資訊系統更新的企業,對於他們所經歷的過程與所產生的問題進行了解,分析他們所產取的策略與方法,以及解決問題的方式,以達到他山之石可以攻錯的效果。本論文選擇了兩家跨國企業,我們分別稱其為A公司與B公司,他們分別在九零年代後期進行全面資訊系統的更新,也就是採用了現在企業十分流行的ERP系統。他們所進行的都是將新的資訊系統全面取代舊的資訊系統,而且新的資訊系統都是朝整合共通與全球一致的流程為導向。本論文先針對這兩家企業在進行資訊系統更新前的準備工作與執行進行了解與描述,再綜合這兩家企業在此過程中所面對的重要問題與挑戰進行分析,企圖找出一些共通而有用的結論,以作為日後其他企業進行類似工程的借鏡與參考。 ;It is a dramatic change for a multinational company to replace the old information system by a unified ERP system. The installation of the new system is going to have widespread impacts on all employees and departments in the company. This full-scale task poses a serious challenge to the company. It is very important for any company to minimize the possible adverse effects during the process of information system change. Therefore, this thesis conducts case studies of two multinational companies that had gone through the process of renewing their respective information system by adopting a global ERP system. We call company A and company B for our case study subjects respectively. Both of their new information systems are integrated global systems with unified business flow processes, and are aimed to be applied for all branches and factories of the company around the world. First, we are going to describe and study the entire process of the information system change of each company in details. The description includes the preparation before the project is conducted and the execution of the project. The strategies adopted and the problems faced are the focus of the description. After the detailed description of the two cases, we then will try to summarize those crucial issues and problems encountered commonly by these two companies when conducting the change of their information system. We will also try to analyze the possible solutions and methods to deal with the above issues and problems. The final conclusions will be drawn as the references of the information system change for companies that intend to make the same change in the future.