本研究所選擇的產業,為最新且最具潛力的汽車電子業,就是繼電子3C產業之後所謂的第4C(Car Electronics),台灣業者憑著先進的研發能力、穩定的品質水準,與大陸低廉的生產成本,目前在3C產業已超越歐、美及日本等先進國家,居於世界的領導地位。台灣業者憑藉著在3C產業的優勢地位,及成功進入國際市場的模式與經驗,是否也能在第4C再下一城,另創佳績呢,值得深入探討。本研究以Kotler & Keller(2006)之『企業進入國外市場的模式』做為理論基礎,針對台灣汽車電子產業的特性,相關資料文獻蒐集、分析再加上個案訪談,以個案公司D集團在電子產業方面的優勢,及全球化的運作模式與資源,進而來驗證並探討何種進入模式最為成功,且最適合台灣汽車電子業廠商。本研究結果一方面可提供台灣汽車電子業廠商,做為未來進行國際化市場佈局之參考,另一方面也有助於其他新興產業,未來制定與執行國際化策略時,就企業本身所需具備的條件,先行規劃。 具體而言,本研究的目的為:1. 針對台灣汽車電子業特性,探討企業國際化的動機、與市場的選擇及進入的模式。2. 接著以個案D公司的實際運作為例來評估與建議,應進入那些市場,及何種進入模式最為成功,且最適合台灣汽車電子業廠商。 研究結論發現個案D公司,為降低失敗的風險,以達成功進入的目標,選擇針對不同的市場採取不同的進入模式。共採取了三種進入模式,針對汽車產業非常成熟且供應商眾多的美國市場,實行『策略聯盟』與美國車廠之現有零件供應商合作,運用彼此優勢迅速搶佔美國市場以達到雙贏的局面。但對於新供應商接受度高卻要求高彈性與配合度的大陸與印度此新興市場,則採取併購現有汽車零件供應商與配合新興市場運作方式來進入,雖然『策略聯盟』與『併購』此兩種進入模式,都需要花費時間與成本以克服雙方的岐見,進而目標一致成為生命共同體,但卻可縮短D公司進入的時間與降低進入的困難度及風險。而『配合新興市場運作方式』,則需要花費許多成本與人力資源以與新興市場的車廠配合,但卻可讓D公司提供『附加價值』給客戶以與競爭對手有所區別,進而成為其長期的策略夥伴,雙方一起追求成長,進而在競爭激烈的汽車產業佔有一席之地。D公司到目前為止已在海外佔有一定的市場,由此可見,D公司的策略規劃與管理可謂成功,管理團隊深具遠見,投資新產品與進入新市場的時間點正確,且在目標市場的選擇上也堪稱合宜,是台灣業者今後針對新產品進入國際化市場之標竿與學習範本。 ;In this research, the subject is the latest and most potential product – Car Electronics Products, which is so called 4C following by 3C(Computer, Consumer Electronic Good and Communication). Taiwanese manufactures have been the leaders in the word at 3C field and successfully beat Europe, USA and Japan those advanced countries because of advanced capability of research & development, stable product quality and competitive manufacturing cost in China. With above experience and success in worldwide market, can Taiwanese suppliers take the advantages and be the worldwide leader again in the booming market - Car Electronics product? In this study, The Entry Modes of Foreign countries from Kotler & Keller(2006) is the theory of study base and we also analyze the characteristics of Taiwanese Companies plus journal papers as reference. Furthermore, we take the real practices of Company D as the case study to see which entry mode is the most efficient and most proper one for Taiwanese Car Electronics suppliers. We hope the findings of this research can give guidelines to Taiwan companies when they work on the business plan for approaching foreign markets. Additionally, it will also help the future new industries to enhance their strength and plan beforehand when they work out the strategy of internationalization. In the conclusion, Company D has applied three different entry modes to different target markets according to the differences of the market characteristics, market needs and competitors so as to successfully get into the markets. Until now, Company D has been running well in the target markets. Therefore, it proves that Company D has been pretty good at strategy, planning and management, the management is wise to invest new product and approach correct new markets with perfect timing. It•s a golden model for Taiwan companies.