摘要: | 歌仔戲是台灣土生土長,並融合民俗、戲劇、詩詞、音樂、舞蹈、雜技、美術、劇場技術等多元文化的傳統藝術。伴隨台灣人民的歡笑與悲傷已有百年歷史。本研究在探討歌仔戲文化產業在面臨衰退期時,如何運用創新策略使產業重生。並以從民國十八年創立迄今八十年的台灣當代歌仔戲團翹楚「明華園」為個案,研究其運用創新策略於傳統戲劇舞台上,使舞台、美術、設計、音樂、燈光、聲效等特技的運用上表現得淋漓盡致,使歌仔戲產業走入文化殿堂,邁向精緻化。 研究結論指出,明華園的創新策略主要分為技術上與經營策略上。因著技術與經營創意與創新,使劇團開創了一片藍海商機,使歌仔戲史無前例傳遍五大洲。其創新的思維與策略的運用,帶動了同業的效法,讓整體藝文水平提升。 研究報告針對未來經營方式與發展提出對個案公司的建議有:(1)劇本內容、(2)表演方式、(3)佈景與舞台、(4)音樂、(5)品牌建立、(6)人員管理;對政府之建議有:(1)投資增加、(2)打造整體環境維繫人才、(3)補助電視媒體製作、(4)定期舉辦推展活動、(5)實行退稅政策鼓勵劇團與企業、(6)編入九年義務教育等。 文化創意與藝術產業要能走出地方格局、登上國際舞台並歷久不衰除了本身要能有創意及傳統文化特色條件外,得加上政府的輔助與支持,才能把節目成功的行銷全世界,使傳統文化代代相傳。 ;Taiwanese opera is a indigenous tradition art to Taiwan. It has merged the folk custom, drama, poem, music, dance, acrobatics, fine arts, and theater technic into a diverse culture. It has accompanied the laughter and sorrow of the people for over one hundred years. The purpose of this study is to investigate the innovation strategy be used in Taiwanese opera and let this culture survive after the period of decline. We use the case of Ming Hwa Yuan who is the leading Taiwanese opera troupe of modern times. Since its establishment in 1929, it has testified to the rise and decline of Taiwanese opera in Taiwan. To understand what kind of innovation strategies make this opera form that integrate music, opera, dance, folk art fine art, lighting, etc. into newer heights, make the Taiwanese opera became delicate on national theater. The study showed by performing technical and operating innovation strategies, the troupe had created a new marketing and success all over the world. In 1982, after winning the top prize in opera competition, the group started to give a fresh interpretation of Taiwanese opera. The innovations created waves in the opera circles and were much acclaimed in the culture and arts circles of Taiwan. From then on, the company continued to grow in popularity. The researcher offers some suggestions for the troupe and Government on how to flourish this tradition culture from generation to generation. Finally, by doing so we hope to make our unique Taiwanese opera spread all over the world. |