本研究在於探討高階技術長的生涯規劃,研究中採取文獻探討及訪談資料,進行研究所需的生涯規劃資料蒐集與分析。 文獻探討部分主要在蒐集生涯規劃內涵與高階技術長的生涯成長過程所需相關能力之文獻,並彙整生涯規劃的條件需求與相關研究、方法和結論,進而製作本研究的訪談題目,請受訪者看過訪談問題之後做出綜合性回答,再由研究者將訪談部分做出定性及定量分析。其中定量分析部分是經由研究者加以解釋說明之後,請受訪者圈選出其認為比較適宜者,所取得的定量分析資料。研究範圍涵蓋高階技術長的管理能力、技術能力、決策風格、領導風格與職階生涯規劃的關聯性。 研究者是以目前身為中階管理階層,嘗試去規劃未來成為高階技術長的生涯規劃中,個人在生涯規劃上的管理能力、技術能力、決策風格、領導風格,在不同職階階段上的轉換和要求性,作為日後生涯規劃的重點目標,同時也希望藉由此次訪談結果,清楚明白研究者本身的定位和風格影響。 ;The research focuses on the career plan of CTO. This thesis studies related professional documents and academic papers, and then the researchers arranges two face to face interviews with a senior technical manager in a big high-tech company. The thesis have studied thesis and papers that related to the concept of career plan, and the emerging concept of CTO and his vaguely defined role as both a technical and managerial leader. According what all I get from prior step, that I designed a questionnaire for my thesis, especially all the questionnaire had through the pre-interview and modification. After two close formal interview, that I had analyze the outcomes for the two interview sessions, which are descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. During my research, that a very different work flow which is all the raw data of inferential analysis are depend on the decision of the interviewer. My research is including the percentage of his ability in management、ability in technology、decision style、Leadership and career plan. The position of this researcher is currently in middle rank, so I would like try to find out an effective method to design a career plan to reach high level management level in the future. Spewcifically I would like to find out the different management parameters for different management level.