本研究以台灣上市櫃公司中,影像監控產品為其主要營收來源的8家公司為基礎背景,應用次級資料分析及人員訪談,試圖以策略矩陣分析法,來了解台灣影像監控產業發展現況。 個案中,挑選較晚進入市場及經營績效相對優異之二家公司,應用策略形態分析法,了解其發展歷程及採取之策略,以進一步了解其事業經營發展策略。從個案研究中,本研究歸納了以下命題: 1:「產品與市場之配合」是影像監控事業重要的策略要素。 2:「研發」能力是公司擬定「產品與市場」策略的重要考量要素。 3:掌握新技術轉變的「研發」能力,是創造「產品特色」成功進入影像監控產業的重要策略要素。 4:產業上下游的「垂直整合程度」是產業競爭力及議價能力的重要因素。 5:「獨特的研發能力」是影像監控產業的競爭優勢重要因素。這些能力包含「研發」、「影像晶片」、「影像擷取卡」及「影像監控系統」等關鍵要素。 ;This research carries on the purpose of understanding the present situation and business strategies of the CCTV and surveillance industry in Taiwan.We choose the major CCTV and surveillance listed companies in Taiwan and use the strategy matrix analysis method, the secondary data analysis and depth interview to understanding the development of the industry. We choose two listed companies major on DVR and IP-Cam products, through the strategy development analysis method to understanding the business strategies of the companies. Finally from the case study, this research has induced the propositions: a.“Select target market and product position” is an important strategy element of the industry. b.Research capabilities determine “Select target market and product position”. c.Leading technology to create product differentiation is an important strategy element, especially when the environment and technology changed. d.“Vertical integrated capability” increases the competitive advantage and bargaining power. e.Research abilities determine the enterprise competition. The abilities include: chip design ability, captured card design ability and surveillance system integration ability.