本篇研究重心在於利用有機反應將環烯烴分子導入Sulfonated poly(ether ketone)s主鏈上,合成出一系列帶有環烯烴分子之NB-Ph SPEEK、NB-p-Ph SPEEK與NB-Np SPEEKK,之後再利用環烯烴分子內的雙鍵進行自由基聚合反應來達成交聯之目的,希望藉由這樣的調控能於質子導電度與膜膨潤情形之間取得平衡,得到適合應用於燃料電池之質子交換膜。此系列帶有環烯烴分子之聚合物同時擁有優異的熱穩定性與氧化穩定性,且於80oC 之熱水裡表現出很好的尺寸穩定性,其中NB-Np SPEEKK 於室溫下導電度更高達 7.52 x 10-2 S/cm,統整以上之結果可看出此類帶有環烯烴分子之膜材確實有潛力成為低成本質子交換膜的選擇之一。 A series of crosslinkable sulfonated poly(ether ketone)s containing norbornene groups were synthesized by aromatic nucleophilic substitution reaction . To decrease the swelling of fuel cell membranes , crosslinking of theses polymers by radical polymerization were be tested. These polymers had good thermal and oxidative stability , and good dimensional stability in hot water . The proton conductivity of NB-Np SPEEKK at room temperature is 7.52 x 10-2 S/cm. The results showed these materials containing norbornene groups are possible inexpensive candidate materials for proton exchange membranes in fuel cell applications.