摘要: | 王爺信仰作為一種台灣社會現象,源出於先民對於原鄉的懷想,然而,王爺 信 仰因應現今社會產生微調,已不單純是神壇所賦予形而上的意涵,而是涉入世 俗 社會,成為統合人民集體經驗的紐帶。相較於人類學家重視實證性的資料論 述, 本論文主要勘探常民信仰轉變為文學之後,文學王爺從原本瘟神到保家衛民 的 神靈轉換,並進一步將其擘分為政治指涉、時政諷刺、在地認同、國族神話建 構 四大敘述類別,具體表現出文學王爺的主要關懷和實踐,融合辯證出多元向度 與 論述。可以說,現代台灣文學王爺在政治、社會、文化與身分認同等多元複雜 的 條件因素中相互激盪、影響而生成,創作者藉由王爺傳達個人對台灣地域、 文 化、身分和記憶的託喻和詮釋。以一地域神靈成為台灣離散情懷的最大寄託 與如 何成為台灣在地精神的表現之神靈。;Faith in Royal Lords is a social phenomenon in Taiwan, coming from the ancestors’ nostalgia for the homeland. However, it has altered for today’s society, it is no longer simply a metaphysical meaning given by the altar. Instead, it has become a link which integrates the collective experience of the people and deeply evolved in the society. Not like anthropologists who emphasize on empirical data, this thesis mainly explores Royal Lords’ conversion of plague gods into Local protective spirits who safeguard borders and reassure the people, whereas the Royal Lords faith has turned into literature. It further divides Royal Lords Literature into four categories: Political referent, current affairs satire, local identity, and construction of national myth, indicating the care and practice of Royal Lords Literature, and integrating multidimensional discourse. It can be said, the Royal Lords in modern Taiwanese Literature originate from diverse and complex conditions including politics, society, culture, and identity, etc. Through Royal Lords, writers convey their solicitude and interpretation of Taiwan geography, culture, identity, and memories. This thesis tries to explain how a regional god became the main repose of Taiwanese diasporic feelings and played the role of Taiwan local spirits. |