本研究探討桃園縣公立國中閩、客學生的金錢教養與金錢態度是否受族群因素的影響?採取問卷調查分析,以及焦點團體訪談方式進行研究。透過隨機分層抽樣的方式選取桃園縣七、八、九年級共16所公立國中,合計 720 位國中生進行問卷調查。以統計分析方法的次數分配與百分比做描述性分析,以及t 檢定、皮爾遜積差相關進行統計考驗。研究發現:1.桃園縣公立學校閩、客國中生的金錢概況、金錢態度與金錢教養在整體上無顯著差異:閩、客均相當節儉。2.在金錢概況「零用錢使用情形與儲蓄習慣」,以及父母教養「投資理財」方面有明顯的族群差異。在「零用錢使用情與儲蓄習慣」中,閩南國中生的零用錢取得較客家國中生相對容易,金額也較高;客家國中生的儲蓄習慣多為自己保管,閩南國中生的儲蓄習慣多為交給父母保管或是由父母代存至郵局。至於「投資理財」部分,則是閩南父母較客家父母更常接觸和跟小孩談論理財資訊。;The purposes of this study are to explore if the money attitudes and the money rearing of Minnan and Hakka junior high school students are affected by ethnic factors in Taoyuan County. This study used a questionnaire survey method and focusing group interviewing. Samples were drawn from seventh, eighth, and ninth grade students of junior high schools located in Taoyuan through random stratified sampling, including sixteen schools (n=720). The instruments of this study included “junior high school students’ money attitudes scale”, “parents’ money rearing scale“ and “personal background data”. By using percentage frequency distribution and descriptive statistics, t-test, pearson product-moment correlation analysis, the major results can be drawn as follows: 1. Different ethnic groups have no impacts upon money attitude and rearing: Minnan and Hakka junior high school students in Taoyuan are both thrifty. 2. Different ethnic groups have some obvious impacts upon pocket money, savings and parents’ investment: (1) About “ pocket money ”, Minnan junior high students get more pocket money easier than Hakka junior high students in Taoyuan. (2) About “ savings ”, Minnan junior high students prefer to save money by their parents, but Hakka junior high students prefer to save money by themselves. (3) About “ parents’s investment ”, Minnan parents contact investment knowledge and disscuss it with their children more often than Hakka parents.