摘要 本文欲探討台灣受到2008年的金融海嘯衝擊之後情況如何,分成兩部分來研究,第一部分主要探討金融海嘯後台灣金融業績效的改變,發現台灣金融業在金融海嘯後,經濟復甦程度快,而金控業和保險業復甦狀況差不多。第二部分則為高階經理人薪酬,本文探討在金融海嘯之後,台灣高階經理人薪酬有何明顯變化,會因為金融海嘯而施行的打肥貓政策造成高階經理人薪水有明顯下降或者此政策如部分學者預期,無法發揮明顯的效用。發現在金融海嘯之後,台灣金融業高階經理人薪酬較金融海嘯前高且高階經理人薪酬與績效敏感度之連結程度也提高,而金控業高階經理人薪酬較保險業高階經理人高。總而言之,台灣金融業在歷經此次金融海嘯後有不錯的績效表現,並且致力於改善高階經理人薪酬制度。 ;Abstract This paper consists of two parts. In the first part, we investigate the change in the performance of financial companies in Taiwan after the 2008 financial crisis. We find that in general Taiwanese financial companies experienced satisfactory recoveries from the crisis. The recovery for financial holding companies is similar with the insurance companies. In the second part, we examine if there is a change in the executive compensation policy of Taiwanese financial companies after the crisis. We find an increase in both CEO salary and pay-for-performance sensitivity. Such increase, however, is more pronounced for financial holding companies than for insurance companies. In sum, Taiwanese financial companies have delivered satisfactory performance since the crisis, and have spent effort improving their compensation policies.