微型金融起始原因旨在協助窮人克服獲取金融服務時所面臨的障礙,進而協助其經濟自主。發展至今三十多年,其理念已擴大為建立普惠金融體系-使所有被正規金融體系排除的群體,如窮人、僻遠地區居民以及弱勢社群-獲取金融服務。世界銀行扶貧協商小組已將過去良好發展經驗進行整理,編制出實踐原則。而目前中國大陸是世界金融服務最大的單一市場,但世界銀行的報告顯示,其基本的銀行服務仍未覆蓋到所有人,銀行針對大企業與高收入群體提供服務,使得農戶和中小企業等群體的貸款需求無法被滿足,因此中國大陸政府開放設立一種新型機構-小額貸款公司,致力於協助三農、緩解農村等地區金融服務供給不足的問題。本文旨在探討小額貸款公司是否如宣稱具備社會目標、致力協助三農經濟發展,首先簡述小額貸款公司興起背景,以及說明在快速成長下衍伸的問題-發展目標偏離原意;再由中國小額信貸機構聯席會(中國小微金融網)與中國小額信貸聯盟會員中篩選出九十七家小額貸款公司,針對其貸款產品之放款對象、單筆貸款額度、貸款方式、貸款期限及社會資本累積情況等項目進行統計,評估是否符合國際上對微型金融的界定,藉以探討小額貸款公司是否具備社會目標以及目標偏移的實際情形,並從中舉出最佳做法的個案以供借鏡。;Microfinance is a source of financial services for poor and low-income people. Over the last 30 years, Microfinance not only lifts people out of poverty, but enhances financial inclusion. Financial inclusion means not only the delivery of financial services to groups that are excluded from banking and related services, but creating a world in which as many poor and near-poor household as possible have permanent access to an appropriate range of high quality financial services. In order to seek to advance financial inclusion, CGAP(the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)develops innovative solutions through practical research, and construct a framework of microfinance. Nowadays, China constitutes the largest single market for financial services. However, there are some experts agree that basic banking services are not yet accessible to all, that is, banks concentrate on lending to SOEs (State-owned Enterprise)and high-salary people. Because there is still a sizable gap between demand and supply of loans to rural households and SMEs(Small- and Medium-sized Enterprise), it results in the rise of Xiao-Dai companies. The object of this thesis is on the research of the social mission of Xiao-Dai companies. First, we explore the rising background of Xiao-Dai companies. Then, we choose 97 members from China Microfinance Institution Association and China Association of Microfinance to be the samples. By comparing the loan products with international framework, the thesis reveals the mission drift of Xiao-Dai companies. Finally, we take some best practices for example to help in improving financial access.