由於智慧型手機等手持式裝置需求,在國際大廠紛紛計畫推出新產品,不斷推動並拉高軟板產量,工研院IEK預測2013年的產值將較2012年成長5.82%,全球產值達到71.3億美元。在未來2014和2015年,軟板將穩定向上成長,預測2014年將成長5.65%;2015年將成長5.28%,全球軟板產值將會上升至79.3億美元規模。 雖然軟板需求持續成長,但同時各軟板廠也紛紛擴大產能提高市占率並且不斷提升生產效率藉以降低生產成本,在供給遠大於需求的市場氛圍下,價格競爭一直以來是這個產業的宿命之一。隨著消費者對於品質性能提升需求,軟板技術也不斷日新月異,提升技術水準確保競爭力是業者天天面對的課題。 本研究旨在探討個案公司所處軟質印刷電路板(FPC)產業,在國際競爭壓力下它在消費者(客戶)心中的產品定位為何?個案公司它的競爭優勢與劣勢?優勢如何確保、維持甚至予以擴大?劣勢如何快速有效改善以拉近與競爭對手距離? 本研究採以「需求特徵分析」問卷調查方式做為切入點,搭配「策略矩陣分析」及相關經營策略模擬,主要研究目的為:探討個案公司如何在產業強力競爭環境下,構建競爭優勢及順應產業環境快速變化調整策略,以屹立於競爭激烈環境中而不動搖,又在面臨多元競爭環境下,如何善用集團現有資源?進而在集團各項資源充分有效整合下,以價值優勢取代價格優勢,以期未來將成為國內主要領導廠商,並立足亞洲放眼國際市場,在全球FPC產業占有一席之地。;Global flexible printed circuit (FPC) board market, driven by mobile applications such as smart phone, shows 5.82% growth over 2012, and has reached 7.13 billion US dollars in 2013, according to IEK. The market is expected to grow steadily to 7.93 billion US dollars in 2015 with 5.65% YoY growth rate in 2014 and 5.28% in 2015, respectively. Despite the positive growth of market, the industry has been struggled with price reduction pressure from the capacity over-expansion and from cost reduction through efficiency improvement. On the other hand, the emerging applications keep pushing product performance, and force suppliers upgrading manufacturing technology to remain competitive. This study explores an FPC company A′s market position in terms of product performance in global market from customers′ assessment, and its strength and weakness. How to maintain and further elaborate its strength, and to fast respond to its weakness are studied. This study starts from "Analysis of Characteristics" through voice of customer survey via questionaire, followed by "Strategy Matrix Analysis", and ends up at forming Company A′s business strategy. The goal is to establish its unique core competency and flexibility in tactics among highly competitive and fast changing market, and to best integrate and synergize resources from parent company group for competing in value instead of in price. The vision is to become leader in domestic market, and expand its territory over Asia and finally worldwide market.