根據市場行銷分析報告,新產品對公司營業額及對市場佔有率有相當大的影響(3M公司的研究報告得知公司30%的營業額, 是來自過去4年內的新產品) ,因此,開發新產品為公司續存的重要指標。新產品開發與否通常都是老闆決定。然而,開發新產品必須投入大量資源及時間,一個錯誤的決定會造成公司莫大的損失,因此必須相當謹慎。開發新產品必須先由市場調查,進行產業分析,以了解公司是否適合投入、分析競爭態勢、競爭策略及最後使用預估現金流量折現模式考慮淨現值(NPV) 去決定此專案是否可行。本研究係以個案研究方式,分析個案公司開發高壓直流電源供應器時, 從產業分析了解市場大小、運用需求及未來趨勢,再利用五力分析了解競爭態勢及決定競爭策略。另外依據市場預估做出現金流量預估、淨現值及敏感度分析,損益兩平分析輔助決定是否開發此項新產品。;This study investigates how a company makes a new product development decision based on financial tools. New product development begins with market research and then industry analysis, strategy analysis to decide the values of underlying variables, and, finally, use net present value method, sensitivity analysis, break-even analysis and decision tree to help make ultimate conclusions. This case study applies all of the above methods to evaluate the new product development of high voltage DC power supply product in the hope that firm managers can learn from the new product development process in making their long-term investment decisions.