傳統人力資本理論認為,教育能夠提升人力資本,尤其強調知識的累積。此觀點將人力資本視為單一且同質。然而,一份於2013年進行的人力資源調查報告顯示,台灣人才短缺的原因之一為應徵者缺乏職場軟技能。因此,本研究考慮兩種類型的人力資本:知識技能與社會技能。雖然許多實證研究強調社會技能(例如合作能力、溝通技巧等)的重要性,但是甚少著墨於理論基礎。本研究建構一個包含知識技能與社會技能的理論模型,並考慮雙向失配的勞動市場,意即具備較多社會技能的個體能夠從事知識型工作,反之亦然。最後,在此理論架構下,歸納出兩個政策意涵: 首先,教育政策應隨著產業需求而與時俱進,才能降低人才短缺的現象。其次,加強人際網絡有助於減少失業的現象。;According to the traditional human capital theory, education can raise one’s human capital, especially for knowledge accumulation. In other words, human capitals are considered as single and homogeneous. However, the human resources survey in 2013 indicates that one of the reasons for talent shortages is that applicants lack soft skills in the workplace. Therefore, this study considers two types of human capital: social skills and knowledge skills. Although the importance of social skills such as being cooperative and communication skills has been demonstrated by a number of empirical studies, the theoretical foundation is relatively less developed. As a result, this study constructs a theoretical framework featuring social and knowledge skills and considers a labor market with two-way mismatches. To be specific, a person with more social skills can take a knowledge-based job, and vice versa. The model also provides some policy implications. First, education sectors should advance with industrial demands to avoid talent shortages. Second, consistent with literature, network connection can relieve unemployment.