近年來科技的典範移轉帶來了智慧型手機技術的快速發展、普及率的提升,加上行動網路的基礎建設也越趨近於完善,提供使用者能真正的擁有行動之功能,不只能隨時隨地的搜尋資料外,更能在店家以手機消費以及獲取附近店家的即時資訊與優惠。因此許多程式設計師、專業團隊、公司集團、遊戲場商等業者看準了這個商業的契機,也看準了背後的金流,進而創造出數百萬的手機軟體應用程式(APP)供使用者下載,目前APP的數量以及下載量仍不斷的上升當中。然而在數百萬個APP中,如何吸引使用者的目光和興趣而進行點擊就完全依靠APP的圖示,也就是所謂的『Icon』。什麼樣的Icon設計才能讓使用者辨識出來就是一大重點了,如同企業的品牌設計一樣的重要,在非特定搜尋的心態下,擄獲使用者的視覺感受進而對應用軟體充滿好奇與貼切感,如此就能在眾多的APP中脫穎而出。 因此,本研究採取實驗設計法探討使用者在選擇APP時,何種Icon之設計屬性最具有影響力,並採用十二種不同的APP類別進行實驗,最後探討辨識對於此十二種不同的類別的影響力為何及在各種類別中何種設計屬性最容易讓使用者擁有深刻的印象,此實驗欲提供開發者在設計應用程式之Icon時的參考準則及方向。 ;In recent years, a paradigm shift of technology lead the rapid development of smartphone. Smartphones become popular, the highly penetration rate and mobile internet infrastructure grows more and more mature, which can make user to download and search information whenever they want because of the emergence of software application (App). Such as NFC, more consumption, access to information and deals, etc. Therefore, many programmers, professional teams, and enterprise want to create tens of thousands of apps and earn profit from that. How to attract users’ eye balls from enormous apps is the thing that lots of enterprises concern with. One way to reach this goal is use the “Icon”. The most important thing is to figure out what kind of design attribute of the icon allows the user to recognize it easily. Icon design is as important as the corporate brand design. Captured the user′s visual experience of the app is benefit to downoad. Therefore, this paper use experiment method to discuss what kind of design attribute of the icon can influence users purchase decision. Exploring the critical attribute of different kinds of Apps, discuss whether the recognition have effect on Apps and what kind of design attribute of the icon lead user in an impressive way. Furthermore it can provide App icon designers as design criterion.