智慧型手機從問世至今不過短短幾年,市場不斷發展擴張到現在幾乎人手一機,智慧型手機帶來許多豐富的功能和全新的體驗,不但吸引住大眾的目光、也侵入了人們的生活,手機不再只是通話和傳簡訊,藉由App手機應用程式能為生活帶來更多價值!這種全新的思維也帶來了前所未有的商業模式,業者無一不希望自家的App能被更多的人看見,App的曝光度越高,被下載、被討論的機會越高,隨著App市場競爭日益升溫,若是App無法引起人們的注意就必須耗費更多的推銷成本,因此,在App開發過程中,如何在被注意到成了重要課題,而App的門面──「Icon」將會是關鍵因素。 本研究主要目的為透過Icon設計屬性和視覺上的支配性與意義性來探討何種Icon設計能為App帶來更多目光,且針對12種不同App類型為情境,期望給予不同類型的App更精確的Icon設計建言,讓App開發者能透過本研究之研究結論來充分運用設計屬性以達到增加下載意願之目的。 經過研究後發現,視覺上的支配性與意義性確實能與使用者的下載意願產生正面關聯,並且能透過運用五種設計屬性(活躍性、平衡性、複雜性、深度性、有機性)以達到增加支配性與意義性之目的,進一步促進使用者因為Icon而選擇點擊或下載App。;Since the advent of smartphones from just a few years, the market is growing. Almost everyone now have an own smartphone. Smartphone brings many varied functions and new experiences by mobile apps. Apps developer all want these apps will be noticed, because if the app can not attract people′s attention that will be ignore to download. Therefore, in the app development process, an important issue how attracts users attention from enormous apps, while "Icon" will be a key factor. The main purpose of this study was explored how icon design can bring more attention to app download by icon design attributes and visual dominance and meaning. Using 12 different apps types of situations, it was desirable to give more accurate Icon design suggestions for different types of App. Let apps developers can full use of the conclusion of this study in order to achieve the purpose of increased willingness to download. After a study found that the visual dominance and meaning really have a positive association with the users reaction of download apps and can be designed through the five design attribute (Activity, Balance, Complexity, Depth and Organic). In order to promote user choice because icon and click or download the App.