行動化的時代來臨,智慧型手機的普及率越來越高,手機不再只是以往的語音通話、簡訊傳遞之工具,使用者可依自身需求下載不同類型的 APP,並且在不受地點拘束的情況下,APP 的使用已經融入了智慧型手機擁有者生活中的一部分,使用者可以隨時隨地使用 APP,這當中帶來的龐大收益價值也使得許多公司開始投入 APP 開發這個市場。然而市面上的 APP 數量相當多,使用者是如何選擇 APP以及如何讓使用者滿意該 APP 呢? 因此本研究將研究不同的 APP 類型下,樂趣性、易用性、便利性、技術性、控制性與有用性這些特性是否會影響使用者滿意度,以及使用者在下載 APP 時,是否能透過左數效果的價格策略來提高其下載意願。;The mobile generation is coming. The penetration of smartphone is becoming highter, and the mobile phone is not only using in the voice call and delivers message. Users can download different type of App whatever they need. The App is a part of life with the smartphone users because of the App can use in anywhere. Users can use App in whatever time they want. It also brings the huge income, and it leads many companies to develop the App. But the Apps in the market are a very large numbers. How the users choose App? How to satisfy the users?
The reaserch will find whether the playfulness, ease of use, convenience, technicality, control, usefulness influence user’s satisfacation in different type of App, and find whether the Left-Digit effect can improve user’s download intention.