根據願景和目標,企業或組織團隊都會擬定執行策略與行動計畫,進而產生不同的專案或任務。在專案執行過程中可能遭遇各種問題使得實際狀況和計畫有所出入。專案管理人員能否運用有系統的方法分析問題,找出核心問題加以解決,是影響專案成敗的關鍵。作者運用限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)的方法論,針對某公營企業之大型資訊系統建置專案進行個案研究。本研究利用限制理論思維流程,詳細描述其所定義的三個問題與五個邏輯樹圖工具。從此個案需要改變什麼,先找出本研究個案的核心問題;進而思考在此狀況下要改變成什麼,運用衝突圖尋求解決問題的「策略構想」;最後針對當中的問題擬定對策如何做改變,提出建議的解決方案。 本研究利用訪談、參與觀察及相關文件資料進行資料收集,將資料進行單元化後,遵循TOC的思維流程進行資料分析。研究發現個案的專案組織結構直接影響專案內部資源及委外資源的獲得,故建議針對大型專案適合的部門組織結構為強矩陣的結構或成立專案管理辦公室,使專案管理者能夠有效獲取資源並進行控管。同時也建議建立雙贏的長期夥伴關係為最佳委外策略,協同達成專案所設定的目標。本研究結果在實務上可供所有資訊服務廠商參考借鏡。 ;According to their visions and goals, enterprises set up their strategy and action plans in which projects or tasks are formed. During the project implementation, problems may occur to create the gaps between the planned and actual activities. Whether the project manager can analyze the problem systematically, identify the core issues and solve them is critical to the success of the project. Applying the theory of constraints (TOC) methodology, the author conducts a case study on a large information service project for a public enterprise. This study utilizes the thinking process of TOC of which the usage of three questions and five tree diagrams are described in details. The first step is to indicate “what to change,” and identify the core issues. Next determine what to change to and use the “Evaporating Cloud” to propose the “Injection.” Finally, to formulate how to cause the change we develop the strategies to remove the obstacles with appropriate actions. The author used interviews, participatory observation, and document files to collect data. After unitizing the data, we followed the thinking process of TOC for analysis. We found that the organization structure affects the availability of internal resources and required outsourcing. Therefore we suggest that strong matrix organization or project management office approach is more appropriate for large information service projects so that the project manager could obtain and control the resources effectively. Meanwhile a win-win long-term partnership is the best IT outsourcing strategy.