工廠內部空籃回收路線問題的目的在於規劃一合適的回收路線,以滿足隨著原物料投入生產而產出的空籃包裝被運出庫房區的需求,期能以有效率的方法將空籃運出庫房,使得總運送距離與總作業工時最小為目標。本研究援用車輛路線問題(Vehicle Route Problem;VRP)的方法來求解工廠內部的空籃回收的路線問題。本研究規劃兩個回收模式,其一以固定路線與固定節奏回收空籃;其二多路線與間隔非定時回收模式,依照需求量符合滿載後進行空籃回收,在進行回收之前掌握已知的需求訊息,利用掃瞄法(Sweep)結合以基因演算法為基礎的EXCEL軟體的Evolutionary Solver規劃求解工具尋求最短的回收路徑,再進一步以數學模型求解回收時機。整體的求解結果在回收路徑方面最多減少了約38%,回收工時方面最多減少了18%,顯示所架構的演算機制在實務問題上具有相當效益。;The container picking up problem focus on planning a suitable route for transporting empty containers outside the plant. Expect to meet the target of the shortest transporting distance and least labor hours by an effective method. This research refer the VRP (Vehicle Route Problem) to solve the picking up routing problem and develop two modes of collecting empty containers. One of that is following a specific route with fixed rhythm. The other is following multiple route with irregular rhythm which start traveling after capacity of transporting dolly is full. Then apply the Sweep method to separate routing group and traveling timing by solving mathematical model. Finally the picking up route reduce 38% and labor hours reduce 18% which show this algorithm is benefit in practical terms.