建立模組化產品家族可使產品上市前置時間縮短,減少開發成本,滿足不同市場區隔之客戶需求以及提升產品設計品質等優點。近年來,許多企業已不再追求高度垂直整合的商業模式,因為由供應鏈上的企業間協同開發新產品構成設計鏈將有助於提升模組化產品開發的效率與品質。 本研究運用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)將顧客需求轉換成規格需求,接者採用設計結構矩陣(Design Structure Matrix, DSM )及解釋結構模型(Interpretive Structural Model, ISM)等方法釐清零組件之間的關係進而達成製程優化 現今環保議題當道,能源價格屢創新高。都市化造成大眾運輸系統不堪負荷,建立在傳統自行車以及電力能源輔助上的電動輔助自行車(Electric Assisted Bike)的需求應運而生,本文以該產業鏈為例,在協同設計的環境中,以整合模組化設計為架構,應用QFD、DSM及ISM方法進行分析與說明。 ;Building up modular product family is able to reduce the cost and lead time of new product development, match to the customer needs and promote product quality. In recent years, high degree of vertical integration is no longer the main objective for many companies since design chain, the pattern to collaborate with supply chain partners, will improve the efficiency and quality of modular product development. This study utilizes Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to convert customer demands into design targets. Furthermore, we will adopt Design Structure Matrix (DSM) and Interpretive Structural Model(ISM) to clarify the relationship between components so as to improve the production process. Recently, owing to the awareness of green issues, energy price increasing, and public transportation overburdened, Electric Assisted Bicycle has become increasingly popular. This study will take it as an example to demonstrate the applications of QFD, DSM and ISM to design the modular product family in the collaborative environment.