採購管理是繼物流運輸之後的又一個主要利潤來源,逐漸受到各企業的重視。同時優質的採購管理能夠促進企業整體管理水準的提升。採購管理對企業發展的重要性吸引了眾多在激烈競爭中拼搏的企業投身到對採購管理的研究中,而如何更有效的降低採購成本、提高採購效率成了許多企業的研究重點。 本研究首先從供應鏈管理開始,探究供應鏈管理思想下的採購管理和供應商關係管理理論。然後,本研究以Y公司為例,介紹該公司企業背景、企業發展的狀況、分析Y公司的採購管理現狀,進而研究其在採購管理方面所存在的問題。本研究針對所發現之問題,運用供應鏈管理與採購管理的相關理論,透過構建基於優化方案分析供應商選擇研究,探討如何有效地改善企業的供應商管理體系。本研究所分析的方案能對備選供應商按照既定的評價指標進行優劣排序,企業可以按照此排序結果依次與備選供應商進行合同談判與協商後續合作事宜。最後,本研究提出對Y公司在供應鏈環境下如何優化採購管理體系的建議方案。本研究建議,Y公司為完善自身的採購管理體系,應重點關注自身的供應商關係管理,Y公司可以將基於優化方案分析的造紙業供應商評價結果納入自身的供應商評價體系中,同時也可以根據實際需求建立供應商資訊庫,以對合格供應商進行分類並實行差異化管理。 本研究成果的運用,不僅會對改善Y公司的採購管理有積極效用,本研究的方法與經驗對其他企業在優化採購管理也會具有一定的參考價值。;Purchasing management is an important source of profits other than logistics transportation. It has attracted increasing attention from the businesses. Better purchasing management can improve the competitiveness of a company. Being aware of the advantages of purchasing management, businesses have been increasingly drawn to the study of purchasing management. How to reduce purchasing cost and how to increase purchasing efficiency thus are the focuses of this study. In this thesis, we study purchasing management through a case study of Y Company. We start from a literature review on the supply chain management, in particular the literature on supplier selection. We examine the industrial and organizational contexts of the company. We then point out the supply chain management problems of the company. Finally, we build a hierarchical structure model to explain how supplier management can be improved. Implications of our research are as follows: companies should select and evaluate suppliers scientifically by establishing a comprehensive and systematical supplier evaluation system. In this thesis, we also explicitly suggest how the supplier evaluation system should be applied. The results of the study should provide useful implications for other companies to improve their supplier selection and management.