近年來,台灣政府將醫療照護視為六大新興產業之一,而醫療器材即醫療照護中的其中一個領域,因此醫療器材產業之發展前景應是十分正向的,然而台灣在此產業中的發展卻面臨眾多問題。在探討醫療器材產業問題前,我們必須先了解醫療器材產業的總體環境,即醫療產業,因此本研究概括性的分析整個醫療產業中的角色與行為,認為未以系統觀點思考產業問題為產業困境之因,並提出平台概念以作為改善產業問題之建議。本研究進一步根據過去文獻將平台概念分為三類,分別為服務整合平台、價值鏈整合平台和產品創新整合平台。採用個案研究法,輔以觀察、訪談與文件分析等方法蒐集相關資料,深入分析三類平台的成功關鍵案例。最後根據研究結果,提出台灣在醫療器材產業中發展的可行建議。;In the recent years, Government of Taiwan active approves the medical device industry, and even promulgating the taxes incentives policies to encourage entrepre-neurs to invest in development of medical devices. However, is it good for Taiwan to be the producer in the medical device industry? It’s worth pondering deeply. In this study, we considered the companies in Taiwan always have the competitive ad-vantages, such as flexibility and agility and the special context of medical device in-dustry; thus, we thought that there must be other fields in this industry are more suita-ble for Taiwan companies. The concept of platform for medical industry was pro-posed in this study. The platform was classified as three types: the service integrated platform, the value chain integrated platform, and the product innovation platform. Case study was as research method to gain deeply understands of these platforms in this study, and observation, interviews, and documental analysis were imported to collect and analyze data. In the end of this study, we proposed some suggestions that is suitable for Taiwan’s enterprises in the medical device industry.