軟體專案的開發大多會遵照組織的標準流程來進行。但鑒於軟體專案的特性,並非一套軟體流程就可以套用在所有的軟體專案上。因此,軟體組織會訂定一套流程調適準則,讓專案人員根據不同專案所面臨的情境,依據調適準則而去調整實際的做法。然而,在實際的情況下,調適準則的制定與引用則是需要組織經驗的累積,因而不能武斷地去定義。由於流程調適是一個知識密集型的活動,而且個別的軟體專案需要組織經驗來協助進行調適,故本研究嘗試建立一個以規則為基底的專家系統,運用本體論來建置一個知識與經驗導向的軟體流程知識本體,透過推論規則的設計,以推論引擎對知識本體進行推論並產生調適策略建議供專案人員參考。本研究之系統將以網頁的形式呈現,並以個案公司的流程標準為例來說明及展示系統的操作。;The key to avoid failure and increase the chance of success of a software development project is to focus on the implementation of the organization′s standard software process. In the ever-changing software project environment, adjustment to the standard software process is necessary to meet the goals and requirements of the project. Therefore, software organization usually provides a set of tailoring guidelines in order to customize and tailor the software process to specific project requirements based on the project′s characteristics. However, not all of the tailoring guidelines can be crisply defined and it is hard to tailor a process without the expertise and knowledge of an experienced process engineer. Thus, tailoring a software process is a knowledge intensive and highly challenging activity. In this regard, we propose an ontology-based expert system to assist software project in process tailoring. The aim of the ontology is to capture and further retrieve the implicit knowledge in the domain of software process tailoring. Lastly, the system will generate tailoring recommendations based on the inference made by the rule engine to provide support for process tailoring.