隨著社會的進步及市場快速的變化,許多雲端服務業者(Cloud Service Provider)投入雲端服務市場建置雲端服務環境。然而,在如此競爭激烈的雲端服務(Cloud Service)市場中,許多的雲端服務業者宣稱自己提供雲端服務給予顧客。但是,雲端服務的提供會因為服務的範圍、服務的層次與深度的不同,而造成雲端服務提供的深化程度有所不同。由此可以得知,雲端服務市場中尚未有一個清楚表述雲端服務業者之服務提供層級的規範依據。 如果雲端服務建置的改善(Improve)與優化(Enhance)可以著手於流程,將可替雲端服務業者持續及提升雲端服務水準。因此本研究嘗試同樣運用在流程改善及優化的CMM(Capability Maturity Model)作為本研究提出Cloud Service-CMM(Cloud Service-Capability Maturity Model,CS-CMM)的模型基礎。此模型藉由流程的觀點衡量雲端服務的流程領域(Process Area)進行雲端服務流程改善,並且評估雲端服務業者的雲端服務成熟度(Cloud Service Maturity Level)與雲端服務能力度(Cloud Service Capability Level)。再透過制度化(Institutionalization)確保雲端服務業者之各項流程能夠長遠、並且穩定的實施,不會因為不同的服務提供人員、時間等因素,而在執行相同的事物上有所偏差。最後,為了不讓雲端服務業者只專注從事流程的標準化,而忽略創新服務的提供,因此加入永續改善的觀點至CS-CMM中,讓雲端服務業者得以持續優化雲端服務流程。;Due to the rapid advancement of technology, more and more cloud service providers begin to build their cloud service environment in the cloud service market. In the intense competition of the market, every cloud service providers claim that they deliver an up to par service to the customer. However, the overall level of the service differs by the scope and depth of the service provided. At present, the cloud service market still don’t have a clear model to define the level of service of the cloud service providers. Cloud service provider will be able to increase the level of their cloud service by focusing on the improvement and enhancement of their process. Thus we attempt to apply the CMM (Capability Maturity Model) of process focus as the fundamental of our Cloud Service–CMM (Cloud Service–Capability Maturity Model, CS-CMM). In this research, we design and develop process areas (PAs) which are significantly related to cloud service to improve and evaluate the Cloud Service Maturity Level (CSML) and Cloud Service Capability Level (CSCL) of cloud service provider. Furthermore, institutionalization can also ensure the implementation and stability of processes in the long run. Lastly, we also add sustainable improvement in CS-CMM to avoid overlooking new and innovative services.