自戀在網際網路普及後是越來越普遍的行為,而自戀行為慢慢的影響了我們的思考模式,甚至是人格特質。Facebook 就像是一面鏡子讓自戀的人來欣賞理想的自我。自戀的人也很喜歡透過 Facebook 來表現自我,來引起好友們的關注。並且自戀的人是非常在意他人是否有對於自己的發文按按、留言的回饋。許多研究證實渴望得到非常多讚的回饋在 Facebook是很普遍的現象。自戀人格在社群媒體興起後逐漸成為研究趨勢。本研究是以期望確認理論為基礎,而在社群的情境下,在研究模型裡加入回饋度構念,以及「自戀人格」為調節變數。 本研究以問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,共蒐集420份樣本。使用 LISREL 與 SPSS 來進行 SEM 資料分析。以檢驗本研究模型與相關假說。研究結果顯示:(1) Facebook 使用者的知覺回饋程度對期望獲得確認的影響,會受到自戀人格特質所調節。當自戀人格特質越強時影響越大。(2) Facebook 使用者的期望獲得確認程度對滿意度的影響,受到自戀人格特質的調節效果並未獲得支持。 ;Narcissistic behavior in the Internet world has been on the rise. It not only influences the way people thing and the way they behaves, but also in turn results in changes in their personality. Facebook provides an ideal channel for narcissists to admire their own performance. They tend to use the Facebook for showing off themselves to others. Narcissists also extremely care about how many “likes” they collected in Facebook interactions. Some studies have confirmed that it is an universal phenomenon that people desire to be "Liked" on Facebook. Thus, Narcissistic personality in the social media has become a popular research topic. This study looks into the Facebook addiction problem based on the expectation confirmation theory (ECT). It explores the relationship between the degree of feedback, confirm, satisfaction, and continuance intentions, and most important of all, it examines the moderating effects of narcissistic traits on these relationships. Data were collected from 420 valid respondents through self-administered questionnaires. LISREL and SPSS were employed to perform hypothesis testing. Results confirm the moderating effects of Narcissism, and reveal that: (1) the higher the narcissistic trait is, the stronger the impact of feedback on confirmation is; but (2) the level of narcissistic trait has no impact on the influence of confirmation on satisfaction. Keywords:Facebook, Personality, Narcissism, Feedback, Continuance intentions