本研究以「產業經濟學」的觀點研究「數位相機」產業之發展與分析,研究架構以SCP「結構-行為-績效」的架構進行研究與分析。 至今因智慧型手機裡的相機功能逐日增強,數位相機產業也遭受到前所未有的衝擊。在消費型數位相機跟智慧型手機照相功能相差不遠,尤其以「畫素」一詞去做相機等級的比較。殊不知一個數位相機的靈魂是在於感光元件、光學鏡片模組與影像處理器等相關硬體與軟體去支撐,決不是智慧型手機相機模組可以比擬的。 目前,數位相機的出貨量逐年急遽下降,於2013年下滑達35.5%尤其以消費型數位相機的出貨量更為顯見。保守估計於2014年全球數會相機市場下滑率達18.5%。目前市場唯有高階數位相機及可換鏡頭數位單眼相機有高倍率變焦鏡頭與大感光元件才不受智慧型手機影響。 受到智慧型手機產量激增使一般使用者對數位相機的購買需求下降。數位相機廠商唯有市場著重於高階數位相機、無反光鏡數位單眼相機(MILC)與數位單眼相機(DSLR)。畢竟智慧型手機光學與感應器部分局受大小限制,不可能像數位相機做一樣的大小。所以台灣數位相機代工廠要朝向光學類多角化發展,如:車用、醫療、微型投影機或是手機照相機模組解決方案。 ;In this research, we studied the development of and analyzed the Digital still camera industry, in the perspective of Industrial Economics. The research structure is in SCP, the Structure-Conduct-Performance, structure to perform correlation research and analysis of the industry. So far because of smart phone camera features enhanced day by day, digital camera industry has suffered an unprecedented impact. In the consumer digital camera with smartphone camera function is not far off, particularly in the ”pixel” camera do the word comparison level. Not knowing a soul digital camera is that sensor, optical lens and image processor modules and other related hardware and software to support, by no means the smartphone camera module can be compared. By the surge in smart phone production so that the average user needs to buy a digital camera decline. Digital camera manufacturers market only focuses on high-end digital cameras, mirrorless digital SLR cameras (MILC) and digital SLR (DSLR). After all, smartphones Bureau optics and sensor part by the size limit, digital cameras do not like the same size. So Taiwan′s digital camera optics foundries to class diversification towards development, such as: automotive, medical, micro projector or mobile phone camera module solutions.