二次大戰後,原臺灣總督府專賣事業由我國政府接收,在美援挹注下,臺 灣工商業蓬勃,社會日趨繁榮,因全球石油化學工業逐漸起飛,樟腦是人工合 成重要原料也逐漸喪失優勢。自1968 年樟腦產業開放民營後,因合成樟腦替代 品的衝擊,樟樹資源枯竭,外銷市場需求轉為內銷,製腦從業人員減少等因素, 是形成樟腦產業沒落的原因。現今客家樟腦業者傳承祖業以天然環保觀念發揮 於產品上,研發與創新綠色產品、精油及相關產品,創造新的經濟價值,創新 自有品牌,推廣有機的、健康的產品形象。 本研究以客家樟腦產業轉型策略之研究主題,選取三案例為研究對象,了 解其產業轉型之歷程與啟示及精神內涵,以文獻探討與深度訪談法依半結構式 訪談題綱進行訪談,最後將訪談內容運用質化軟體MAXQDA 分析整理歸納後 之研究發現如下:(1)傳統產業升級後於客家文化深耕與呈現。(2)追求品 質與創新是企業生存競爭優勢之首。(3)創新品牌與老技藝薪傳,傳統與現代 結合使文化再生。(4)保存與重視文化景觀價值。(5)客家文創產業業者具 企業家精神,以文化傳承為使命,以社會責任深根地方,活絡客庄經濟,共創 造綠色經濟價值。 關鍵;Traditional camphor industry was losing its competitive advantage in Taiwan after World War II. From 1968, the industry was impacted by the depletion of camphor resources causing many workers left the industry. Moreover, the development of chemical industries substituted many camphor-related products with synthetic camphor resulting the falling of the industry. Even the government privatized the monopoly of camphor companies, the industry, still, cannot cope up with the business trends in its original market. However, recent development in Hakka community has shed a way for the camphor industry. The Hakka people develop organic camphor products with their own brand names and embed environmental friendly concepts on their creative product developments. The products give the camphor industry a hope that the traditions in camphor industry can be extended and the new business value created can revival the industry and further benefit the Hakka community. Traditional camphor industry is one of the main economic activities of Hakka community in Taiwan. The industry embedded Hakka’s traditional culture,social, and entrepreneurship that recent developments of industrial restructure have created substantial impacts on the community. This study investigates the impacts of the developments through literature reviews and in-depth interviews and processes the collected data with MAXQDA analysis tools. The results indicates the impacts as 1). Presentations of Hakka culture in upgraded camphor industry. 2). Enhancements in quality and innovation in the competitive Hakka camphor industry. 3). Regenerations culture through Hakka brand names and traditional skills. 4). Preservations the value of Hakka cultural landscape. 5). Promotions of Hakka entrepreneurship. The findings from this study can provide knowledge for Hakka community to inherent of traditional culture, motivate local business activities, and create value for green economy.