摘要: | 由於我國全民健保之普及、醫療保健及衛生環境之改善,已有效降低國人各年齡別死亡機率,使得國人壽命得以延長;更隨著醫療科技的進步及生活品質的提升,我國國人的平均壽命有逐漸延長的趨勢。依據聯合國定義「高齡化社會」,103年7月底我國65歲以上人口占總人口比率已高達11.77%,若再加上人口出生率仍無法有效提升情況下,人口結構已逐漸失衡,老化指數不斷攀升,衍生出老人照顧問題及後續相關之老人經濟保障、長期居家服務、醫療收容機構、友善生活環境、交通安全便利等議題,更需及早規劃因應。 隨著社會型態的改變,在逐漸邁向高齡化社會之現在,保險商品日益受到民眾重視,再加上金融市場上的利率水準不斷下滑,使得著重透過儲蓄來理財的消費者,在利息收益日漸減少的情況下轉而逐漸將資產移轉至保險商品上,但也因2008年9月次級貸款問題引起的全球金融風暴後全球市場利率的一路下滑,自2008年11月起,美國/歐盟地區/日本等國家開始實施QE(量化寬鬆政策),帶領全球經濟市場逐漸復甦。2013年底起,升息議題漸漸發酵,一旦走入升息循環,這些與利率變動關聯性高的保險商品收益將相對增加,因此「利率變動型保險商品」應運而生。 本論文希望針對利率變動型壽險商品的架構、103年前10大壽險公司利率變動型壽險商品的宣告利率與五大銀行2年期定儲利率、10年期美國公債利率、保險公司投資報酬率、利率變動型年金商品間的差異、利率變動型壽險商品對保險公司及消費者的優勢與劣勢等...範疇來分析與研究,探討出未來消費者投資與購買此類商品的適合方向。 ;In Taiwan, people are insured by national health insurance, and medical care and sanitary conditions have been improved in the past 20 years. Thus, mortality rate has declined and the average life expectancy has risen. Due to rising life expectancy and declining birth rates, 11.77% of the population was 65 years or older, by end of July, 2014. According to the population ageing, defined by United Nations, the rate of population ageing in the 21st century will exceed that of the previous century. Therefore, we have to face this aging problem seriously and make financial plan as earlier as we can for the nearly future. In addition, since the Financial Crisis in 2008, United States had cut Fed Funds rate and implemented quantitative easing to stimulate economy. Nowadays, U.S. keeps interest rate at 0.25%, European Central Bank keeps at 0.05%, and Japan keeps at 0.1%, which are at the lowest rate in the history. As a result, in this aging society, Taiwanese prefer to invest endowment insurance for their retiring plan. Moreover, if we take global economy into consideration, when interest rate starts rising, the Interest-sensitive Insurance products will be affected. But the consequence is positive. In conclusion, in order to on the right track of consumer behavior on endowment insurance at this stage, I will analysis Interest-Sensitive Insurance’s product structure and compare the differences between insurance’s Declaimed rate, 2-Year time saving deposits rate at bank, and the U.S. 10-Year Treasury Constant Maturity Rate to demonstrate the Pro’s and Con’s of Interest-Sensitive Insurance. |