正所謂“天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福”,危機經常是在企業經理人毫無準備的情況下瞬間發生。危機一但發生,不僅會破壞企業的正常生產和經營秩序,也會給企業帶來很大程度的處理時間緊迫性,因此很容易因為決策失誤,導致企業巨大的損失,對企業造成不利結果,也可能會破壞企業可持續發展的基礎,甚至威脅企業的生存。可知,越是在危機時刻,才越能體現出一個企業的良好體質和實力,企業經理人必須重視危機管理,並通過有計劃、且專業的預防及處理系統,才能使危機造成的損失降到最低。 經由本論文所研究的個案中,看到三鹿集團、及頂新集團,因為一連串的危機處理決策失當,招致失敗的危機處理結果,致使三鹿集團最終走向破產敗亡、頂新集團也因此面臨全面退出臺灣市場的可能結果。可知,危機處理失敗絕不是像閃電般突然從天而降,而是根據危機事件的處理過程中逐漸發展而來,如果在危機事件一開始,企業經理人就使用失敗的決策模式,再加上愈來愈複雜的危機事件變化,及對失敗的恐懼情緒增加情勢下,將助長決策的錯誤,直到真正失敗。 巴菲特曾經提過,研究商業失敗所能得到的收獲,可能多過於研究商業成功,因為比起商業成功,商業失敗有更明顯的型態,歸納起來也更容易。本研究即在探討三鹿集團、及頂新集團,因為食品安全問題所引發的企業危機事件,企業經理人的處理機制及最終對企業的經營及存續所產生的失敗結果,比較嬌生公司在面對因為產品安全問題所引發企業危機事件,企業經理人的成功處理機制及最終對企業的經營及存續所產生的成功結果,找出成功與失敗的原因,希望給企業在危機管理上提供許些參考,使企業在面臨危機時,有充分應對、突破危機,轉危為安,更甚或能由危機中獲利的處理模式。 ;Accident happens in our life and also happens to corporations. Most of the time, accidents transform into crisis all of a sudden when corporate managers are rarely prepared. Once crisis occurs, it not only significantly impacts on the daily operation of the corporation but also, at the same time, likely to mislead the corporate managers in making wrong decision under stressful situation with limited time. In this case, the crisis could end up with huge financial lost that has negative impact on the sustainable growth and even the survival of the corporation. Thus, crisis management is critical and essential to corporate managers to secure the competitiveness of the corporation through a process that is well-planned and preventive so as to minimize the lost during the crisis. The thesis focuses on the research of case study of food safety incidents of San-Lu Group and Ting-Hsin International Group to see how those incidents was developed into crisis and how their crisis impacted on the operation of corporations, comparing with the case study of John & Johnson, who has successfully managed their product safety incident and lead the corporation to regain their competiveness. The objective of the thesis is the find out the key factors in crisis management as a reference to corporations once incident happens on how to face the incident, how to response to the incident and how to break through the incident. Furthermore, corporations could not only regain their market but also enhance their competiveness with well-managed crisis management process.