隨著全球化的產業趨勢環境劇烈變遷,所以企業面臨挑戰日益加劇,與分公司、供應商以傳統電話溝通維護所費不貲,例行營運成本通訊費用相當高。因此企業善用現代資訊科技來強化企業營運績效、降低管理成本,提升員工溝通與工作效率,以追求利潤最大化,是企業刻不容緩的趨勢。 本研究藉由文獻探討與個案分析,以Leavitt (1964) 鑽石模型 (Diamond Model) 做為理論基礎,深入了解個案公司導入新式語音服務相關導入規劃與策略,歸納關鍵成功因素,落實營運目標為企業取得競爭優勢。 研究結果顯示個案公司在企業經營引進新資訊科技時,會引起人員、任務、組織結構改變,驗證鑽石模式四個構面間具有交互影響之關係。企業必須擬定整體性策略的因應方案,並於導入系統階段謹慎調整資源分配與改變四大構面結構,以確保成功導入。最後,針對本研究個案分析結果,建議企業導入系統應思考以下要點 : 1.任務目標的明確化與專案團隊的能力至為關鍵;2.高階主管的支持與承諾;3.適當的系統設計較能降低使用者抗拒;4.組織結構改變會影響技術應用。本研究提出對企業的管理實務建議有 : 1.企業通訊話務費用報表分析;2.建立語音監控機制,定義語音服務KPI (Key Performance Indicator);3.電話會議與通訊的例行性管理;4.未來整合與擴充性。 ;As the trend of globalization spreads across industries, enterprises face increasing challenges in communicating with affiliates, suppliers, and customers by using the expensive traditional telephone service. Information technology has become imperative for enterprises to reduce costs and improve communication efficiency to maximize profits. This study reviews the literature and provides a case analysis on Leavitt’s (1964) diamond model as the theoretical foundation to understand companies’ strategic plans on providing voice services by using new technology, and to identify the success factors for the implementation of such technology. Enterprises can reference the success factors as operational goals to obtain competitive advantage. The results show that when companies introduce new information technology, people, tasks, and the organizational structure will change. This insight validates the relationship among these four components of the diamond model of interactive influence. Enterprises must develop holistic strategies and appropriately allocate resources and adjust the structure of the four dimensions to ensure successful implementation. Finally, the analysis results of this case study suggest that businesses should take the following into consideration when implementing a new system: a) The ability to clearly define objectives and project team skills is critical. b) Executives’ support and commitment are crucial. c) System design should minimize user resistance. d) Changes in the organizational structure influence the choice of technology to be implemented. This study recommends four practices: a) Use voice cost analysis reports. b) Implement a voice monitoring mechanism and define voice service key performance indicators (KPIs). c) Apply voice infrastructure operations management. d) Consider future integration and scalability.