相較於傳統的單次評論僅允許評論者撰寫一則關於該次購物經驗的評論,二次評論提供了評論者額外撰寫追加評論的機會,可以針對原先的初次評論進行補述或修正,此舉使得評論撰寫者能夠描述更為完整之購物體驗,同時也能讓後繼消費者避免使用片面的資訊做出購買決策。很遺憾地,過去文件僅將目光聚焦於單次評論,並未有任何文獻著墨於二次評論如何影響消費者的購買決策,當初評與追評同時呈現時,消費者閱後反應尚未被探索,為解決二次評論所衍生的文獻缺口,本研究擬針對二次評論的一致性效應問題著手,透過實驗設計探究二次評論對消費者決策困難帶來之影響。研究結果顯示,不同價鍵組合的二次評論會使消費者產生不同的認知關係,從而衍生出不同程度的決策困難,其中,價鍵不一致的二次評論,對於消費者而言並不具有順序性上的差異。上述研究發現可供實務業者作為未來回覆網路評論時的參考依據,並建立起消費者友善的購物環境。;Different from traditional single review which allows each reviewer to write only one online review about their own purchasing experience, dual review provides an extra chance for reviewer to make a further explanation or revision according to the initial review. With appending review, reviewers can describe their own purchasing experience in a more detailed way and prevent subsequent consumers from making a purchasing decision based on lopsided information. Unfortunately, past researches drop their focus on the single review and pay scant attention to the effect of dual review on consumer decision difficulty. Consumer’s reaction after reading both initial and appending review remains unexplored. In order to fill a gap in the literature of dual review. This research tries to shed light on the congruency effect of dual review and an experiment is used to explore how dual review affects consumer decision difficulty. Data analyzing result shows that consumer reading dual review with different valences would have distinct cognitive relationship which gives them varied degree of decision difficulty. Unexpectedly, dual review’s sequence of review valences has no difference to consumers. Practitioners can take findings mentioned above to response online reviews in a more effective way and build a consumer-friendly shopping environment.