隨著電子商務市場競爭越趨激烈及消費者行為的改變,促使網路商店業者紛紛發展多重通路購物環境,以滿足消費者需求及提升市場競爭力。然而,電子商務店家雖已發展多通路購物環境來接觸消費者,但在服務品質的衡量上,卻只注重購物網站的服務品質對消費者的影響,鮮少將藉由實體通路所提供的服務及提供一致性服務的整合性服務品質,納入服務品質的衡量;過去研究上大多探討服務品質與顧客滿意度的關聯性,TSR改變以往服務品質只著重於服務對滿意度的影響,而是探討服務品質與幸福感的關聯性,了解如何透過服務來影響消費者生活品質。 本研究目的為探討多重通路購物環境下,服務品質對消費者幸福感之影響,提供電子商務管理者了解多通路購物環境下,消費者的購物行為,以更全面性的角度評估服務品質對幸福感的影響,並探討服務品質與幸福感之後續行為意圖,了解消費者於多重通路中的通路使用意圖,以提高嘗試採用各個不同通路的可能性與消費者口碑傳播意圖而產生的正面效益。 本研究問卷蒐集採用網路方式,並收集570份有效樣本進行相關統計分析。資料分析方法採用部分最小平方法 (Partial least squares, PLS),以驗證構面之關係及模型配適度。結果發現,虛擬服務品質及整合服務品質與幸福感有正向關聯,而在服務品質與幸福感之後續行為意圖方面,幸福感與通路使用意圖及口碑傳播意圖皆有正向關聯。 研究結果顯示,電子商務店家可以藉由傳遞優質的服務品質來提升消費者幸福感。另外,電子商務店家藉由服務對消費者生活品質的提升,提高其通路使用意願,增加通路使用率;亦能提高其口碑傳播意圖,促使消費者主動的進行口碑傳播,有效幫助商家吸引新的有價值的顧客並對商家產生忠誠度。 ;With the increasingly competitive e-commerce market and the consumer behavior changing, online retailers have utilized multiple shopping channels to satisfy consumer’s needs and to enhance market competitiveness. However, retailers often only focus on the impact of service quality on shopping website when measuring service quality, and rarely consider services provided by the entity and integrated service quality. While most of the previous studies investigate the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction, TSR (Transformative service research) is a new paradigm that focuses on the correlation between service quality and happiness, to understand how to affect consumer’s quality of life through services. The data collected from 570 respondents provided support for the proposed model using partial least squares (PLS). The results show that virtual and integrated service quality have positive influences on consumer happiness. As for the relationship between service quality and happiness, consumer happiness has positive impact on consumer’s channel usage intention and word-of mouth intention This study provides e-commerce managers to understand consumer shopping behaviors in multi-channel environment, with more comprehensive assessment of service quality and happiness. This study also shows that e-commerce stores can enhance the consumer happiness by service quality. In addition, the relationship between service quality and happiness not only can enhance consumer’s channel usage intentions but also word-of-mouth intention, which should increase channel usage and attract new valuable customers.