企業如何在大環境不斷改變、市場競爭無時不在的環境下生存?當面臨競爭,企業品牌的價值日漸萎縮時,該如何因應?如何透過品牌活化讓企業永續經營? 本研究以研究者本身所參與之個案公司品牌再造的過程紀錄及分析,說明當企業在面臨生存威脅時,如何重新了解市場趨勢及消費者需求開始,重新為品牌定位,並擬定藍海策略進行品牌改造。 品牌再造的範圍是利用全面性的價值鏈管理,來確保每個價值單元所傳遞的價值符合品牌的一致性,個案公司所進行的品牌再造為持續性作為且分階段進行,非一蹴可幾,本研究將以個案公司在前期所進行的市場研究為開端,並以部分品牌再造工程為例加以說明。 ;How does a corporate ever survive from a changing business environment? When facing competition, how does a corporate to cope with a shrinking corporate brand value? How to make a sustainable brand through brand reengineering? This research tries to realize that when facing threats, through understanding of market trends and consumer demands, how a corporate re-defines its branding position and transform itself to a better competitive advantage. Rebranding is the management of a comprehensive range of value chain to ensure that each value point in this chain all align the brand consistency. This study will take the JH company as an example to illustrate how to enhance a brand and to propose a new value proposition based on marketing research findings.